New video "Jehovah Has Done So Much for Me"

by NoIdeaWhatToBelieve 31 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    Let's review: it's a cult!
  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent
    @Max Divergent Do you really think it is filmed in Australia?

    Yes. Australian accents too. I think it's Sydney. Someone will know the beach. I can't make out the sign.

    I'm sorry for the lady, but the video is an insult.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    looks like Wollongong south of Sydney to me.

    Kingdumb hall is at 28 Cowper Street, Fairy Meadow, NSW 2519

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    From what I gather the abuse took place before she became a JW. This means that the abuser when it came out most likely was reported to the authorities and it also means that she did not need to sit down with him in a JC setting where she was asked all intimate details. Therefor this story is completely irrelevant in regards to how child abuse is handled in the organization.

    it is the tale of a harmed victim who is attracted to the cult's bogus hope of paradise where the God who could have prevented this abuse will make all things new and she will only then be able to put this past behind her. The cult preys on such fragile persons.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    Absolutely correct DS.
  • Splash

    According to a recent elders training video, if she was feeling suicidal all she needs to do is repeat out loud "I am an integrity keeper!"

    All better.

  • Heaven
    Should this be sent to the ARC? Or does anyone know if they have it already? I haven't watched it and doubt I will... I am not able to stomach much of their crap.
  • C0ntr013r
    According to a recent elders training video, if she was feeling suicidal all she needs to do is repeat out loud "I am an integrity keeper!"
    All better.

    That advice is so ridiculous, and the elder kept repeating it...

    Do they really think it will help?!?! Probably, it helped Job...

  • Splash

    According to a recent elders training video, if she was feeling suicidal all she needs to do is repeat out loud "I am an integrity keeper!"
    All better.

    I tried this when I once got a broken arm, and it healed up almost immediately.

    I have no doubt that it would also work for a fractured mind.

    Buffoon elders actually think they are qualified to help.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Wow. They have a lot of fuckin nerve to put this out there right now. . . .

    So let me get this straight:

    Will Jehovahs witnesses ever involve women in the decision making process in the congregation?


    Will Jehovah's witnesses put aside the 2 witness rule in cases of abuse?


    Then what will Jehovah's witnesses do in response to the royal commission?

    Publish a three minute propaganda piece.

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