Today's WT glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and therefore immortality

by purrpurr 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wifibandit

    File this under

    The BITE Model

    I. Behavior Control

    3. When, how and with whom the member has sex

    II. Information Control

    4. Encourage spying on other members:

    a. Impose a buddy system to monitor and control member

    b. Report deviant thoughts, feelings and actions to leadership

    c. Ensure that individual behavior is monitored by group

    III. Thought Control

    4. Encourage only ‘good and proper’ thoughts

    IV. Emotional Control

    1. Manipulate and narrow the range of feelings – some emotions and/or needs are deemed as evil, wrong or selfish

    4. Promote feelings of guilt or unworthiness, such as:

    f. Your thoughts, feelings, actions are irrelevant or selfish

  • brandnew


    oh dang.....did i read that wrong?😐

  • done4good

    Stillin - All in all, it seems like there's something to take away from this WT. sure some mock-worthy stuff, but who can deny that morals are in the sewer these days?

    ok, then. Go ahead and deny.

    That almost reads so Borgian I don't know where to start, but I will try...I am only stating such because you have been on here long enough, and should probably know better by now. I apologize in advance if I am offending you somehow.

    As has been pointed out, "morals" are relative. What is truly moral behavior is ultimately about avoiding what is most hurtful to all involved. As society has evolved over tens of thousands of years, some of this was coded into religious and/or secular rules and laws. By no means does that make any of it absolute. At best, people identify with their immediate culture and tend to live by a rough moral code that follows the general trajectory of what is considered acceptable in that culture. We are discussing social constructs, not divinely instituted imperatives.

    As far as sex is concerned, as long as it is between two consenting adults, they and they alone, are the arbiters of determining if such behavior is "moral". Certainly an ancient holy book that condones slavery, violence, genocide, etc. should have no say. Sure people can be hurt by reckless behavior, and as such a moral decision should be made to avoid such behaviors. That said, only the parties involved can make that decision.

    Religions that constantly bring up sex and how to avoid it, are the very source of sexual deviancy. Psychologists have pointed this out many times over the last 60 years, at least since the writing of the Kinsey Report. It is no coincidence that the Catholic church's clergy as well as many other religious types are often engaged in criminal behaviors such as pedophilia. This crime and other deviant hurtful behaviors are the product of sexual repression, and are the real problem.

    In a more minor sense, attempts to control normal sexual behaviors have never worked out well for people. It stunts their emotional, social, and mental development. It hurts their marriage or other monogamous relationships. It actually causes people to view the opposite sex as objects. Sexually repressed people are the very ones that think they will "lose control" and do something stupid, because they probably will. Their holy books and constant control tactics of their religious leaders will not save them from themselves. It will only help ensure that they hurt themselves, and likely others through ignorant behaviors.


  • brandnew
    But really.....women are beautiful.....especially when they are smart..really.....i totally digg the librarian , more than the cool cheerleader chick.....just sayin☺
  • done4good
    brandnew- But really.....women are beautiful.....especially when they are smart..really.....i totally digg the librarian , more than the cool cheerleader chick.....just sayin☺

    No argument here...

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    The writers of this WT study are in deep denial of their own sexual drives and are projecting their evil shadow upon a poor innocent person just glancing at someone and noticing they are sexy. I have to wonder what lays in the psyche of such prudishness in these ones with their constant monitoring of a devotees sex drive which they automatically classify as evil and to be avoided , in other words what repressed evils have they committed that they are in denial of due to such repression.
  • brandnew
    JUST SAYIN MY MAN !!!!!!D4G..its just a thang😁
  • brandnew
    Brokeback.......exactly......THUS THE TIGHT PANTS STORY 😂😂😂

    Today's WT glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and therefore immortality

    Image result for Watchtower logo

    .......................Image result for Obsessed with sex

    .........................Image result for Obsession logo

  • brandnew
    A person may feel quite "queermorris" when thinkin like this.....thus prayer is needed to divert such homo thoughts.

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