Yes BABY....Cloning is kewl!!!!
Edited by - donkey on 27 December 2002 7:55:14
Edited by - donkey on 27 December 2002 8:1:50
by donkey 20 Replies latest jw friends
Yes BABY....Cloning is kewl!!!!
Edited by - donkey on 27 December 2002 7:55:14
Edited by - donkey on 27 December 2002 8:1:50
Watch out for them RAELIANS.....
you got to love it- cloning is a by gone conclusion as far as i'm concern- the only issue now is how to regulate it- cloning is no longer a possiblity, it is fact of life- the moment the first mice, goat horse , dog was cloned--- it was only a matter of time when it will be humans
depending on ones belief system will determine for many thier view of this-
It reminds me of back in the 70's i think when we had the first TEST TUBE BABY-- it was shocking , unacceptable, on and on,
religious folks were usually the most vocal and taking the lead in opposing , the same arguement of playing god was used then and is often times used today, yet most of the couples who use this test tube baby technique are not athiest.
in a few years the vocal out cry will probably be gone - sorta like when Elvis shook his hips many religious folks knew that we were going to hell in a handbasket
well today we got SNOOP DOGGY DOG
Edited by - jt on 27 December 2002 8:9:36
Does a cloned human have a soul? If so does that mean God gave it life? Did he impant the soul? Does he therefore approve of cloning?
If not do clones just die and not go to heaven or to hell?
An ass wants to know...
PS - the church wants to know: does the clone have money? Then it has a soul....
Edited by - donkey on 27 December 2002 8:14:54
Does a cloned human have a soul? If so does that mean God gave it life? Did he impant the soul? Does he therefore approve of cloning?If not do clones just die and not go to heaven or to hell?
THESE TYpes of questions are what scare the He!! out of believers- for it goes to the very core of their Belief System. Just yesterday i spoke to Ali our resident Muslium here at work (Not the brotha from the Nation) about cloning and he explained how Allah would cause all kinds of suffering and pain to befall the doctors and thier families for doing this and in time we will hear about some type of harm befalling them on the news--
so i can't wait to ask our catholic guy here what he thinks this morning when he get in
Refer to JT:
Absolute nonsense!
Cloning a human body is the most aggravating interference into the social, juridical, familiar and ethical scenario EVER had happened in the history of men.
Comparing the consequences (if cloning becomes a new fashion!) with Elvis` hipshakes is a proof that you had completely lost your mind during your WTC-time;-(((
Elvis shook his hips
Speaking of Elvis.....don't many people have samples of his hair, skin, etc...?
How long will it be before the king is rockin' again?
Ah, cloning is only an issue because they haven't gotten it down many risks. the poor baby could come out with three heads. Unfortunatly, they rushed into human cloning before animal cloning was perfected (or near perfected).
Morally, who cares???? All of the moral-ethics talk is a bunch of
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
I'm not saying either way if it is "morally" proper......but,
I sure am intrested for it to go far enough to prove some points that could alter the religious thought.
Will it have a choice in lifes matters apart from a pre-programmed thought? Will it be an individual with it's own reasoning, and decision making? If it is just like we are....but without some of the physical ailments we have.......what would be wrong with it? If it is a heartless robot ( or has the "heart" of someone else......then I don't like the idea.
...Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
Franky Four Vest, join me and together we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.
Your father never told you what happened to your third cousin's half brother twiced removed from your step uncle's former mistress' who was your mother's first landlord adopted son's former parent's room mate.
No....I am your third cousin's half brother twiced removed from your step uncle's former mistress' who was your mother's first landlord adopted son's former parent's room mate.