Oh please please study with me, I have so many questions that I need answered. Just off the top of my head here are but a few:
Since Ted J. an elder and governing body member has been publicly accused of raping children, why is he still an elder let alone a GB member? How is it that he still qualifies for this position?
I own a small corporation and from time to time we need to do research and so we must use public and private libraries to do so. Would it be OK to join the UN as an NGO as I understand you cant get a library card without doing so?
If I am accosted by a gang of escaped woman convicts and each one of them had their way with me and I didnt scream, would I be Dfed for committing fornication, or does that apply only to a woman?
Would you please explain and show from the scriptures specifically which crime Bill Bowen, Barbara Anderson and others committed that warrants them being Dfed and worthy of death.
I have many many more questions, so please someone, please study with me, I am spiritually weak and need help.
Freeman (ready to study class)