Someone was asking me in the chatroom about the number of hits the site gets. Here is a brief summary (of what we currently get per week):
21,000 visitors. This could range from there being 21,000 different people looking at the site or just one person who returns 21,000 times and is fooling me by posting with hundreds of aliases (in which case - hi there fella )
1,000,000 hits. This is every page & graphic requested.
610,000 page views. This includes the chatroom though which refreshes a lot. I'll try and get true figures for the forum.
The average visit is about 10 minutes (ooh, short attention span)
Most (80%) users have IE 5, 4 or AOL (which is good for the next version I'm working on). 9% have NS4 and the rest use WebTV (about 5%) and older IE/NS versions. Er... hand up the HP-UNIX User ?
So what does this mean other than that we're getting busier (but then I guess you noticed that) ?
Well, thankfully, space is no longer the issue it was since we moved to this new server (which has been a lot more reliable) but I do have to keep a close eye on the bandwidth that is used as there is a set quota for this. Fear not though! I'm working on ways to reduce this which will have the added bonus of speeding up the display of pages and give us more room for growth. I hope to have a beta of this available for you to try in the next week (my Bank Holiday weekend job ) which I'd appreciate some feedback on if you get the chance (I'll post an announcement with the URL).