"We Were Soldiers"

by IslandWoman 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    LIke the movie of that title, we also were soldiers.

    We were soldiers serving a religion.

    Like the Vietnam war soldiers many of us suffered and some of us paid the ultimate price.

    Like the Vietnam war soldiers we also were left without good leadership.

    Like the Vietnam war soldier we leave bitter, we leave hurt and betrayed.

    LIke the Vietnam war soldier we will never forget.

    Like the Vietnam war soldiers I pay tribute to those fellow "soldiers" who died for what was not their own decision or cause, but only the desire of the men whom they trusted.

    Like the Vietnam war soldier I remember the friends who went to prison, the friends who died for the blood issue, the friends who died for the non-transplant policy, the friends in Malawi who died because they did not accept a political card, the friends who died in German concentration camps, the friends who were raped and tortured, the friends who spent their very being in behalf of a cause that abandoned them, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

    Yes, we were soldiers! We were soldiers in the religious equivalent of the Vietnam War. We were soldiers who served and died for a lost cause.

    In the movie "We Were Soldiers" the commander tells his men he will not leave any behind, even the dead will not be left behind! The Watchtower on the other hand leaves many dead and living behind and never looks back.

    This is why they will not succeed. This is why they will crumble.


  • Happy

    A very touching post IslandWoman.

  • ozziepost

    Don't get me started, IW, on the heinous crimes committed in the name of "true democracy" in Vietnam! Much like the Borg in claiming to bring "true Christianity" to people! Both issues get me VERY angry indeed!

  • IslandWoman

    Happy_Guy_Of_Goodness and Ozziepost,

    If I could, I would put up on the internet a black wall of rememberance for all those who have died because of following the Watchtower.

    Personally though what I can do is wear a black arm band and when others ask I will answer: "This is for all those who have needlessly died while following the Jehovah's Witness religion."

    In this way I will "honor" those who have died. I feel a responsibility to do so.

    Thanks for your comments.


  • Happy


    You know, that armband idea actually makes sense. I think I may just do so myself.

  • Athanasius

    Excellent post Island Woman. However, I have often felt that those of us who have left the Watch Tower have much in common with former Prisoners of War. We all suffered in the captivity of the Watch Tower. Some were imprisoned longer than others but all suffered loss and we all bear some form of scar from our stay. But now the barbed wire is gone and we are free to enjoy life.


  • DakotaRed

    IW, as a veteran of both fronts, I applaud your post. The analogy and comparison is remarkable, one I had not made before. Thank you.

    Lew W

  • willdabeerman

    nice post IW.

  • pettygrudger
    Personally though what I can do is wear a black arm band and when others ask I will answer: "This is for all those who have needlessly died while following the Jehovah's Witness religion."

    Excellent post - and comment above IW!!! It's too bad there is no "memorial" that could be erected for the victims of JW policies on blood, doctrine & shunning practices. I wonder sometimes how many victims there are....and how many would need to be remembered.

    We were all soldiers once.........so moving, Thank you.

  • Realist


    there is a little difference...the young man who were killed in vietnam didn't go there voluntarily...they had NO choice!

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