Minimus,Simply tell them that you are not going to answer any questions. Period.Then what? They will DF you in no time if you don't cooperate. The way I see it, you have to go back fast or leave for good. They want a good clean up.
In my case, I had a visit and a phone call. Fortunately, I had a well-known illness that has left a few side effects. They're more infrequent now. At the time I said the side effects kept me from going out most of the time except for work, and even that was difficult.
This is not the case now, but it is still the essence of what I'd say. Except now I'd say it's a very private problem--again and again.
This could be extended to anything. Even our disagreement with the WTBS can be said to be very private as it relates to the elders. You can imply and they can infer that you have depression (you ARE depressed that you were a JW so long!), bad back, chronic fatigue, or any number of hard-to-observe maladies.
The operative word, imo, is "private." Play the assertiveness trick of the "broken record technique," where the only info divulged over and over is one statement ("it's too private" or whatever you think appropriately unassailable).
Elders: "Maybe if you talked about it."
You: "It's too private."
Elders: "Have you prayed?"
You: "I can't talk about it. It's too private."
Elders: Would you like someone to study with you?
You: "No. I receive treatment. It's private though." (The treatment is this "support group" at Simon's.)
Well, that is volunteering small vague info. The less the better, but it's important they think it's a malady, not a sin.
Good luck!
Edited by - Patio34 on 28 December 2002 10:40:18