I used to visit this site about ten years ago. I haven't come her in a long time. I have just recently started talking to a family member who is leaving the JWs and I wanted to know what are the best sites available these days for finding out all the topics of information - failed prophecy, 1975, rutherford's drinking, russells tombstone - you know all of that kind of stuff.
Back in the day there used to be a site run by a Norwegian I think called Kent. That had a lot of information all together broken up into subjects and articles. Then there was Randy Watters site which I gather is still going but looks about the same as when I last saw it, so maybe not really very attended to. Then there was a site called quotes I believe which just had quotes from watchtower pubs related to certain subjects. Not sure if thats still going.
What are the best ones.
Also is this still the main ex jw discussion forum. I see there is a redit forum. Is this still the daddy?
Thanks in advance