My Story

by pr_capone 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Billygoat


    It's quite courageous to share so many personal details of your life. Good for you! I've found writing on this board to be very cathartic - I've seriously needed the healing after what I experienced with my family and my DFing. I hope you keep coming back and learn here. I've been here for over a year and made some wonderful friends and learned sooo much! Up until the day I joined here, I always thought the JWs were just a quirky religion I didn't believe in anymore. There was always a possibility I'd go back just to be with my family. Now I know better the dangers behind the Organization. I'll never go back.

    I'm so glad you're here!



  • ugg

    pr capone....welcome....thank you so much for sharing your is indeed sad,,,but,,,kind of typical....all of your hard work and effort...just so you can get kicked..."sigh" i hope you continue to heal and grow....enjoy your life....

  • kelpie


    Welcome to the board. Thank you for opening up and telling us your story. Dont think that you have to compare it with other stories on here because everyone's experience affects everyone in different ways.

    What you have gone through is imense.

    I must say I was baptised at the age of 12 and agree with you. It was wayyyyyyyyyy to young. I didnt fully understand what I got myself in for. I wish I could go back and change the past.



  • yrs2long

    Thanks for sharing and welcome to the board. I'm sorry you had such bad experiences and at so young an age. Everyone's story is important. Isn't it funny how they ignore you when you're doing well and then harass you constantly when they get even a small whiff of a rumour of some 'wrongdoing'.

    We're glad to have you here and I hope you experience the healing that many of us have had since coming here and finding like-minded persons with similar experiences.

  • Sentinel

    Hi Eric, and a big welcome,

    As with so many others here, your story is unique and yet so very much like the others.

    This is a great place to finally be able to express what is in our hearts, for those here, truly understand where it is that you have come from.

    I'm so happy that your mom and brother are back in your life. That is a real plus. You lost a lot, and those things cannot be undone or even replaced. But, you can rebuild your life with a new foundation. With the knowledge that you possess, you will not be duped by another cult. So, remember all the good that you have gained from your experience and leave the rest behind.

    I look forward to reading more of your posts.



    Awwww, Capone . . . dang, Im so sorry to hear about all the misery that the jws have caused in your life. I admire your courage to be firm in standing up to them, however. And Im glad your courage led to winning over your mom and brother. Sorry to hear you lost your girlfriend through this whole thing, though my heart goes out to you.

    You wrote:

    The more I looked into it, the more I saw that all their rules that are meant to help you are actually meant to trap you. The hypocracy, the rule bending, the lying everything was getting to me. To make matters worse, in this kh the meetings were more like business meetings that were occasionally interrupted by music more than they were religious services.

    Good observation. Their rules and hypocracy are meant to trap us, to limit us, keep us in fear and keep us co-dependent on the organization. They will never encourage us to keep growing and developing ourselves in any other direction except the jw way. Furthering our education was discouraged. " You will be among ba-a-a-ad associates. Higher learning will take you out of the organization," was drilled into us. I felt guilty for letting - - - no, encouraging my kids to both go to college when they were finished highschool. Dang . . . they are still good l'il jws, too.

    You wrote:

    the elders start whispering nasty things in my mothers ears about how my girlfriend was only with me to try to convert me to catholosism, how she was going to ruin my life and my relationship with my family. For whatever reason my mom decided to go along with what the snakes were whispering in her ear. Our relationship crumbled from there. My brother was not allowed to visit me and they even turned him against me. I was disowned and not allowed to visit unless I was hungry and needed to eat. The verbal lashings that I took were miserable. I couldnt eat, sleep or concentrate. Things got so bad that one night I had a severe nosebleed that would not stop due to all the stress I was under.

    This sounds like so many stories that have come out of the jw cult. Fear tactics used to scare you back into submission. They wouldn't want to lose your contributions now, would they? Nevertheless, this kind of blackmail via emotional familial pressure is very effective in scaring some back into submission. It really helps us when we understand the the jw motives, then we may choose a healthy path to follow. We would then act, rather than re-act. This helps us to have a sense of control over our life when our whole world is in transition.

    You wrote:

    my girl friend said she couldnt take the pressure of our relationship and decided to end it.

    This is an especially sad part of your story, Capone . . . losing your girlfriend. This transition and turmoil in our life is hard for anyone who has not " been there" to understand and sympathize with us and thus support us. Especially if they are dealing with their own issues. Im so sorry.

    You wrote:

    Here recently though everything has made a turn for the better. My mom decided about a month ago that she was sick of being a puppet as well and has stopped attending meetings. My little brother is back in my life and I am no longer disowned. The relationship that my mother and I have will never be like what we had. Although I realize that she was being manipulated by this most hateful organization, I feel that blood should be thicker than anything else. I hope someday we work our way back to the relationship we had when I was younger

    Actually, I hope you will work your way back to an even healthier relationship than the one you had in the jws. The co-dependency will be gone, the manipulation will be gone and the rigidity of the rule-following will be gone, and you will feel free to grow in any direction you choose! That is an awesome challenge!!

    Grit said:

    Big Hug to pr_capone! So sorry for the misery. I never experienced anything that drastic but I could relate to how hard you kept trying to "please" (try try try, more, more, more). Just reading that part I could again feel the exhaustion (emotional exhaustion) that I felt when a JW (I must do more, I must do more, I must do more...), never enough... like I said, exhausting.

    JW whipping words. . . yes . . . emotional exhaustion . . . I constantly felt that I just "wasn't good enough.". . . I should do MORE.... MORE ..... MORE!!! If you went out in service you would feel better. That implies that I felt lousy as a jw. . . oh, wait . . . arent jws those perpetually happy people??? . . sorry . . . not me.

    Glad things are better now. And I can't believe the JWs complained about hair that was TOO SHORT! Absurdity (on their part).

    No surprise on that one. An elder told my son once that he shouldnt wear colored shirts to the meetings or out in service . . . only white ones!! Absurd!!!!

    Im glad that you took a stand, Capone . . .I feel proud of you! . . . It is a difficult row to hoe, yet a rewarding one when you realize you are at last fre-e-e-e-e-e!! And you helped to free your family in the process!!! Wonderful!!!

    And the girlfriend thing? When you are feeling grief over the loss of a relationship, it may not feel like you will ever heal or find someone new . I assure you . . . you will find someone out there even better than she was . . .It seems that there are life lessons to learn from each relationship. Let yourself feel all the feelings and you will heal. If you let yourself feel pain when it happens, you will also enjoy the beautiful feelings when they happen.

    Just know, Capone . . . you have friends here on the forum! We are here for ya!!!!



  • OrbitingTheSun

    Welcome to the board, Pr_Capone! Thanks for sharing your you can see it is not only cathartic for you but meaningful to others here as well. I hope that you find comfort in knowing that we understand your experience and are here to support you however we can.

  • Jesika

    Hey there my fellow puerto rican . I very much enjoyed talking with you in chat last night (errrr this morning LOL). I thought your story was a touching one and unfortunately all too familiar.

    Welcome aboard and I look forward to talking with you more.


  • pr_capone

    Thanks everyone for their comments. Its a struggle and I still get depressed regarding everything that happened and my shattered faith in God. I know that being here will help me tremendously in my healing process as it has already begun to do so.

    Again, thank you all very much.

    P.S. If there were not a limit as to how many posts we could make I probably would have already made it to Jedi.

  • email

    I just read your story... I was out on vacation the week that you posted it... It sounds ALL too familiar to me... Including being in congs. here in the states and in Puerto Rico


    Edited by - email on 9 January 2003 10:20:54

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