Has the Australian RC been given misleading assurances that JWs will fully comply with laws demanding that child sex offenses be reported to the police?
It appears that way when we look at the background to these assurances. Several JWs testified to the RC, that they would have reported all child molestation cases to the police had they had been required to do so by law. Yes, it was strongly asserted that JWs would have reported every single case! 100%.
The smarmy testimonies of most of JWs, clearly implied that JWs would never have allowed pedophiles to escape justice had there been laws in place requiring them to report child abuse to the authorities.
It follows then, that the major reason why JW pedophiles have escaped justice to now, is entirely the fault of Australian law makers. It is certainly not because of any dereliction of civil/moral duty by JWs.
A deeper examination of JW reasoning reveals that JW pedophiles have escaped justice because Satan’s system (the world) has failed to legislate to make JWs report pedophiles to the authorities! Yes! Satan is behind everything. Its amazing what the RC has dredged up.
To better understand this connection, look at things from a JWs standpoint. Ask yourself: How could a JW know what to do when Satan’s system did not give them clear guidance and leadership? Remember also, that JWs do not run ahead of their leader!
True, common law – not just legislative law – in many countries requires citizens to report crimes to the police but these laws are often vague. So how can JWs be expected to know if those laws applied to them as well as other citizens.
The RC also exposed the fact that until they are told what to do – through clear legislation – JWs will do nothing. Then again, even if there is legislation, JWs may still do nothing. It is clearly a situation of :“maybe - perhaps”.
Look at one example. Australia has Compulsory Voting laws for all Federal elections. Yet, JWs exploit every available loophole in the laws so that JWs never cast a vote. Indeed, any JW who breaks ranks and lodges a vote at any Australian compulsory parliamentary election is considered to have abandoned his faith and chosen to disassociate himself. The outcome for the JW voter is the same as being disfellowshipped.
It remains to be seen whether a JW who reports his JW brother to the police for child sex abuse, will himself be considered by the congregation to have abandoned his faith because he has breached the spirit of 1Cor. 6:1-6. “...do not take your brother to court…” . Has the reporting brother now disassociated himself, or can JWs reinterpret this text and allow brothers to take each other to court?
This possibility opens-up another can of worms for JWs. If scripture can be reinterpreted to meet current needs, why cannot JWs change the two witness rule?
How many years of court challenges can be expected from JWs as they take-up the legal fight against laws which which pit JW against JW? No one should hold their breath while awaiting JW compliance with compulsory crime reporting laws.