My wife and i both grew up in our respective JW congregations and left together in our twenties. We weren't shunned back in those days, the 1960's, you could just fade and have a 'normal' relationship with one's family members however the 800 pound gorilla 'the truth' was always present during our visits.
As far as all of the 'friends' like others here we had to make new friends the same exact way we made friends in the JW world. We found people with common interests who met on a regular basis. That way relationships can grow organically and naturally. A Mom's club works, you have your kids in common, school in common, events etc. Playing sports, music, either playing or attending,Volunteering for a non`profit something you believe in, the food pantry, free clinic, library, civic groups, all provide a natural way to meet people and do some good.
You have left the limited world of the JW'S and now have choices plus an extra 20 to 30 hours a week to do something with. Learn a new trade or profession, start a business, get a degree.
Meanwhile there are hundreds of people right on this forum who have left, or are leaving/fading or DAing themselves or hiding in plain site, Elders, MS trying to accomplish their exit.
This place will serve as one of the bridges to a new and better life.