How about the redundent phrase in nearly every prayer " thank you for the provisions that have been provided" whaaaaaaaaaaaa??????
'Percycution' (read foneticaly); and 'theocronic warefare'
by pr_capone 35 Replies latest jw friends
How about the redundent phrase in nearly every prayer " thank you for the provisions that have been provided" whaaaaaaaaaaaa??????
'Percycution' (read foneticaly); and 'theocronic warefare'
Here are a couple:
1 sitting on the fence
2 sub-marine christians
3 seeking first the kingdom---------of course most of the brothers had new homes and cars.
4 lift your head erect because your deliverence is getting near
5 we should put of buying new homes swimming pools and luxury as the end is hear, like in 1914 1918,1975,.................911 oh gee today.
6 GB is inspired by God and we should accept what they say as if God is speaking to us.
Blah blah blah.................
Shall I go on and on.
Love to all for having left the rattle trap and found freedom. Ofc
bad attitude
personality conflict
widen out
true/genuine Christians
A very popular phrase my last few years in -
"sense of urgency". (as in, JW's are losing their sense of urgency due to material concerns, delayed expectations, etc.)
Hmmm, who could've caused those delayed expectations? I guess it was the fact that in times past "Jehovah's people" had "speculated" about the 1914 generation, and this foolish speculating "has led many to become disappointed".
ITS gods will......or it must be the demons....that answers it all according to some
By using words which have special subliminal meanings to a select audience, the writer can powerfully suggest things without actually saying it. Also, a whole set of behavioural systems can be enforced with just a few words.
Thanks for that Dmouse you summed up for me the concept of thought control I have been desperately trying to explain to someone I know
Imperfect. Especially, Imperfect Men.
I detest that word. It's the rank and files excuse to shug away every wrong prediction, bad decision, and doctrinal flip-flop, that the WTS has ever made.
Anyone with half a brain does not expect people to be perfect. However, I know for myself, I expect people to be DECENT. That means, when an individual, or individuals, has been transgressed against, responsibility is taken and an apology is expressed.
How about..
Cat Publisher: Someone who goes out on the service does an hour and goes home. "I've done meower, I'm going home"
"You shouldn't do thaaaaat" was another one that I heard a lot of locally and it really got on my onions
Reaching Out. (means projectile vomit)
Blood issue. (I presume this is what Gillwarrior has!!!)
Return Visit. (chronic indegestion)
Bible Study. (brainwashing)
Awake! (what you read when you want to fall asleep)