Imagine a religion where there is no Satan the Devil...
...where the Creator is not as perfect as many claim and that the Almighty can grow and learn things...
...which states that the condition people are in now is not far off from what Adam and Eve were like when they were first created.
Oh, and it was the religion Jesus and his parents practiced too.
Yep, ancient and modern Judaism has never recognized the same ideals of perfection that Christianity and especially groups like the JWs demands of G-d and humans.
And while there may be wicked spirits (or spirits who act wickedly), many Jews have no "Satan the Devil" in their theology. In fact when read in the original Hebrew, there is no Satan, not even in Job!
And while G-d is perfect, this doesn't mean that G-d doesn't have room to grow or learn. In fact Jews see in Scripture the possibility that G-d created humans to challenge and inspire growth in the Almighty. G-d is not necessarily all loving, not exactly as Christians believe anyway. G-d learns love and patience through dealings with humans. In Jewish theology that is what G-d's perfection is like, very different from the perfection of Watchtower teachings.
And that means we are not far from "perfection" now either if we take the Jewish view into account. Humanity evolves toward it along with G-d. "Satan the Devil" is often seen as the personification of anything that holds us back to those Jews who recognize "Satan" as directly personified in Scripture (but again, a direct reading in Hebrew also allows for reading the texts as there being no devil at all).
Because of the close ties these two religions have, and since the above views are part of Scriptural Hebrew exegesis, that makes them possibilities as well, or at least something to be considered when pondering these questions.
Perhaps there is no Satan to blame for humankind's own failures. Perhaps our own evolution includes further evolving in morality and justice. Perhaps the idea that G-d grows in union with the creation made in G-d's image is more realistic than trying to make some Biblical narratives fit the Creator into a peg designed for perfection that is impossible to reach or isn't even perfection in the first place.
Can humanity shed ancient and primitive views of G-d and Satan and perfection for more evolved views of spirituality based on and in partnership with a reality that is practical?