My dad has no idea how to use a puter let alone get on the net.
So I rang him up just now...and told him what I've been up to...about this site and all, and how it's helped me found out a whole lot of information, usually hidden from the R&F and how some ex JW's are doing a really great job, by staying on the inside and doing what they can to provide info to expose corrupt dealings by the GB....he was flabbergasted...and I might add very impressed,,,LOL Isn't that cool?
Well I told him there are spies everywhere now, and the WTS is really starting to feel the affects...pity the net wasn't around years ago huh guys? cut a long story short....I asked him during his time as the PO in his cong. did he ever have to deal with any Paedophile cases....He answered NO! Which is great that he didn't...I told him did he know of any Paedophile cases and he said not before you gave me all the info....So, there are still many in the ORG that don't know
And to all the sleuths out there...keep up the great work.