What Are Some Of The STUPIDEST Comments Made?

by minimus 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    If u win the loto , u cannot keep it, u will be found out and either u will give it back or we will df u.

    as said by an elder during a public talk

  • VeniceIT

    Co's encouraging comments:

    If you can go to the mall, you can go to the hall

    If you can go to the beach, you can preach

    If you can go to the store, you can go to the door'

    Wonder how long he spent dreaming those lil 'gems' up hahahahha


  • target

    We should not donate to "Worldly" charities because they are all going to be destroyed anyhow and any good they do is only temporary whereas if we give the money to the borg for the preaching work, then those in need will be helped to gain everlasting life.

    Then there is the discussions about how we will "heal" in the New Order". Will bald men suddenly have hair? Will false teeth be replaced instantly in the fashion that Jesus healed or will they come in gradually like with a baby? How about missing limbs? Abra Cadabra and they are replaced or do they have to grow back? Oh, and everyone will be beautiful because we are all supposed to be happy and we can't be happy if we are not pleasant to look at.


  • Xena

    Their comparing getting a forced blood transfusion to a woman being raped.....

    Hey target,

    I always wondered when they said everyone would be perfect, who would decided what perfect was? Would we all look alike? oh the confusion!!!!!

  • teenyuck

    "Jehovah will take care of it." Thus releasing the person from all responsibility to do the right thing....whatever the case.

    "I prayed to Jehovah and he___________________." Fill in the blank with the wonder of Jah.

  • Soledad

    that "Jehovah will take care of it" always ticked me off (just fold your arms and do nothing is what it translates to)

    my mother's personal favorite "they are some that are and aren't there, and there are some that are there and aren't"--can you figure that one out?

  • DakotaRed

    I can think of a couple. If you don't agree with or understand a new policy, just follow it anyway, undertsanding will be given you in time.

    And, heard at the last Assembly I went to, "if you are stumbled by an elder, it is your own fault."

    Lew W

  • rebel

    last night - my 'Shepherding visit' - one elder said:

    "You have been such a good example to everyone - why throw it all away and jeopardise seeing Claire and having your family reuinited one day?"

    He was talking about Claire (my daughter, died 12 years ago), and the fact that I hate so many elders for persecuting my other daughter!

    Nice organisation!!!


  • minimus

    "Elders know more than we do because they are appointed by Jehovah's holy spirit"-----"If you are depressed or suicidal, call the elders right away"------ "If you are about to be raped, just call on the name JEHOVAH, out loud, because He will protect you"-----"It's not a lie. It's theocratic stratergy".-----"Jehovah's Witnesses are the happiest people on earth".-------"Millions NOW living , will NEVER die"-----"The 1914 generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur"------Jehovah ALWAYS reveals things FIRST to his servants"----"So what is the Faithful Slave saying here, in paragraph 5? And what is the Faithful Slave encouraging us to do in paragraph 6?"---"-When Armaggeddon ever comes, I want to be in Brooklyn"-----"Can we do more?"-----"Why aren't YOU pioneering?" "All you need to do is bring up your hours"----We don't want to ask for a contribution. We should suggest a donation"------" We're sorry to hear about the death of your-------, but we've noticed that you haven't been to the meetings lately"-----"Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays. Anniverseries are up to you"-----"We will not stand for the National Anthem, but standing for the flag is a conscience matter."............ANY OTHERS???

  • JH

    Disco music is for Gays

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