My only reaction would be to prepare myself for the aftermath. I would want to have my family close to me and be able to pool our resources. I would probably do an inventory on all my leftover Y2K supplies, including ammo.
Just my thought..
by whyhideit 27 Replies latest jw friends
My only reaction would be to prepare myself for the aftermath. I would want to have my family close to me and be able to pool our resources. I would probably do an inventory on all my leftover Y2K supplies, including ammo.
Just my thought..
"Is it possible to put an atomic bomb with enough material in it to level a city as big as Los Angeles and kill of approximately half of it's inhabitants in a truck?"
The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, killed 75,000 initially, with many more dying later. The bomb was about twice the size of a washing machine, so an atomic bomb with ten times the destructive power of the Hiroshima bomb of would fit inside a medium size U-Haul truck. I would guess that this truck bomb would destroy most of Los Angeles and vaporize one million residents.
Of course, the power of such a bomb pales in comparison to that of the hydrogen bomb, which is hundreds of times more lethal. These bombs are much smaller, and up to a dozen of them are put in the nosecones of Russian ICBM's. Each bomb is independently targetable, so just one of these rockets can vaporize San Diego, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Jose, San Francisco, Sacramento, Seattle. Russia has hundreds of these rockets, and so does the United States. Soon, China and perhaps Korea and Iran will have them, too. I think the odds are not small that most of us will live to see the day (some of us just a fraction of a second) when our major cities are obliterated in a holocaust of unimaginable horror. Not sooner than a year or more, but maybe much longer.
Oh, by the way...Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Edited by - JosephAlward on 29 December 2002 20:2:23
I would run like hell to the nearest Kingdom Hall and beg for forgiveness from the mother corporation....... and maybe even God too.
Thanks for answering my question for all the folks that did, cause I really had no idea that abomb so powerful could be so small.
Sure as hell puts things into perspective don't it. That's why I support the new aggressive stand taken by the current adminsitration. We need to deal with these rogue states that seek to misuse this awesome power of destruction. If the call ever goes out, I'd be willing to fight any and all of em.
Saddam may be partially insane and a brutal leader, but don't be a sucker to the news reports and what you are led to believe. Take a look at the weapons our nation states hold and ask yourself why other smaller nations would choose to develop their own arsenal.
An understandable statement according to your fearful vision of the world, but is your vision correct? Who really are the enemy we should fear the most? Do the smaller nations on the planet have a right to arm themselves in a similar way to the US? Maybe they are feeling more and more vulnerable at the hands of US foreign policy and need to feel secure within themselves. How much more dangerous would your existence become in reality? Take in the global picture and understand why the poorer nations react in this way.
The biggest threat at the moment I can now see is one centralized government dictating what each individual on the planet can and can't do. Taking our personal liberties away and tying us in to Westernized ideas and philosophies. The cloak of fear that has been cast across the world - "Terrorism" - who in reality cast that shadow across us all and what is their ultimate goal? Myself, I'll never take anything at face value again, never. I really do not trust the political powers that have raised themselves to govern us at this moment in time. I am growing increasingly unsettled by the propaganda machine that increases in momentum weekly and turns our collective attention towards global terrorism. When a man becomes gripped by fear he will often leap under the easiest shelter to protect himself. Fall into line, it's the Bush & Blair show, no jostling at the back please or you will be thrown out!
I don't see the point in running back to the KH or the org if you have left it. To me, in the final analysis, it all comes down to you and Jehovah. All of us have to answer to Him and there isn't going to be any GB there or elders to put their 2 cents in because they will have to answer as well. So I guess we would all be in the same boat.
I'm having a hard time watching the news right now. The rehtoric coming from the White House is all so transparent. They're going to deal with North Korea with " diplomacy ", all the while preparing to bomb the hell out of Iraq. They tell us it's "a different situation". Yeah, right. North Korea has the bomb and a military, so they've GOT to communicate with them. No wonder other developing countries, who are no less dangerous than North Korea are scrambing to augment their arsenals. But so much for men's plans.........If and when a scenario develops as you portray, I say, once again, " NOTHING THE WBTS HAS SAID OR DONE WOULD EITHER MAKE THEM A TRUE PROPHET OF GOD OR WILL AFFORD THEM ANY SPECIAL PROTECTION ". I can't see myself going back!!
Something that shocks most people, is that the nations of Pakistan and India also have the bomb. When they announced it, we just kind of looked the other way and asked them to behave themselves. Yet they are at war with each other all the time, and many feel that it is only an amount of time before a nuclear war erupts between these two. Yes, Iraq is not the most stable nation and does terrible things to their people, but is China, India, Pakistan, Israel, France, United Kingdom, United States, Russia, Ukraine, and a few I forgot. Are they all that stable and kind to everyone? Let's face it, only one country in history has shown they would use a weapon as extreme as the Atomic Bomb in war time. That title belongs to the United States.