We have neighbours who have been very sincere "born again" christians, for about ten years. I know that quite a number of you on this forum are also Born Again, but my question is, Just what do you believe?, I understand that you don't have any particular denomination and appear to join any church service as you wish. When I used to go out on "field service", I seemed to get different understandings of the scriptures, from born again christians, some seemed to be of the opinion that they would be taken up into heaven and armageddon would wipe the earth clean and then they would be put back on the earth, others seemed to think that they would go to heaven and stay there ? Do you have any set beliefs, or do you take your own understanding from the scriptures?
I don't mean for this topic to be offensive to anyone, I am just curious, especially now that I am starting to read lots of different bible translations.