Born Again - what do they believe ?

by twinkletoes 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • twinkletoes

    We have neighbours who have been very sincere "born again" christians, for about ten years. I know that quite a number of you on this forum are also Born Again, but my question is, Just what do you believe?, I understand that you don't have any particular denomination and appear to join any church service as you wish. When I used to go out on "field service", I seemed to get different understandings of the scriptures, from born again christians, some seemed to be of the opinion that they would be taken up into heaven and armageddon would wipe the earth clean and then they would be put back on the earth, others seemed to think that they would go to heaven and stay there ? Do you have any set beliefs, or do you take your own understanding from the scriptures?

    I don't mean for this topic to be offensive to anyone, I am just curious, especially now that I am starting to read lots of different bible translations.



  • musky

    Hello twinkletoes, Interesting post. I probably cannot be of much help to you because I don't really know what I would call myself these days. Sometimes I think I am born again because a number of years ago, after working secularly with a born again for a couple years, I prayed that Jesus would be my saviour. At the time I was a baptized witness but felt they did not have the truth anymore. Since then I have attended different churches in my search for something better. Currently I am not going anywhere. In response to your question, The born again that I knew believed he could be in heaven and also come to the earth if he wished. He believed in the rapture, painful hell, Trinity. Actually, to him if you did not believe in the trinity there was no way one could be a christian. He believed in going to war, tithing. When witnesses would stop at his door, He would invite them in and argue very well about what he believed.

  • JeffT

    I am a Christian, and consider myself "born again" although I don't usually attach any adjective to my description of my religious beliefs. One of the biggest eye-openers I experienced in my exit from the Borg, was discovering the true nature of the unity of the Christian faith. As witnesses we were taught that there was one true understanding of the Bible, and that we had it. It was very common when I was a witness to hear about the lack of unity among the Christian churches.

    In fact, most Christians, no matter what church they attend, regard all other Christians as part of the same chruch. In matters of basic doctrine, such as the Trinity, we share common beliefs. Most of us would agree with your friend that belief in the Trinity is fundamental to being a Christian.

    In other areas, such as the rapture, there is room for disagreement, and we have all agreed to disagree. On the nature of the rapture, I have a Biblical Encyclopedia that outlines the three basic positions: pretribulation, mid-tribulation, and post tribulation. It provides examples of the arguments provided by each group; and then stops. The authors did not feel a need to corrupt their work with their own opinions. In their minds I am expected to read up on all the positions and make up my own mind. (For the record, I'm a mid-tribulationist; my wife leans toward pretribulation. Neither one of us spends much time on the subject, we'll find out when we get there).

    Unlike the KH, we have the option of forming our own opinions on many subjects, knowing that (most) of our fellow Christians will accept us as members of the same faith, even as we forcefully debate some subjects.

  • NewLight2

    Generally "Born Agains" come from many different church denonmenations.

    To check out their beliefs, I would suggest that you go to this link -

    You may also want type in the following into a search engine:


    "Assemblies of God"

    "Christian Missionary Allience"

    That will give you a start. Go to some of the individual churches listed and click on a link that says something to the effect "What do we believe". Most church home pages will include this.

    hope this helps.


  • hybridous

    The 'Born-Again' Christians I work with both believe, without a doubt, that the Earth was created in 6 actual 24-hour days

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hello Twink!

    I am a Christian who was Born Again in July of 2001.

    Here is what I consider the Absolute Basic Beliefs of a Christian, based on what I have read in the Scriptures (in other words, if you don't believe these things you are NOT a Christian):

    * Belief in the Father and belief that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah, the Christ, the Savior, and the Lord.

    * Belief that all humans are sinners and that God's punishment for sinners is death and everlasting seperation from God and that Jesus Christ came to Earth and Died as a Sacrifice in our place and that God the Father transferred our sins onto Jesus when Jesus Died, and that God the Father raised Jesus Christ from the Dead.

    * Humans can be Saved ONLY by the grace of Jesus Christ through our faith in Him and His Sacrifice.

    * No amount of "good works" can save anyone.

    * Everyone who is Saved will go to Heaven to be with the Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever.

    * Everyone who is not Saved will receive Everlasting Punishment and Seperation from God.

    * A Christian should follow and imitate Jesus Christ.

    * A Christian should "Love your Neighbor as Yourself"

    * A Christian should "Do to others what you want them to do to you"

    * A Christian should "Love Your Enemies"

    * A Christian should NOT judge other people as to whether or not they will be Saved by God.

    * A Christian should read the Bible and Pray to God every day or as often as possible.

    * A Christian MUST have a close personal relationship with The Father and Jesus Christ.

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 30 December 2002 2:36:17

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Here are more beliefs which are important, but I don't think that these beliefs are required in order for a Christian to be Saved:

    * Belief that The Father, and Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are Three Seperate Persons in Unity as One God, and all Three share the Nature, Essence, and Attributes of God Almighty, the Supreme Being.

    * Christians should be Baptized in Water (however, this is NOT required for Salvation)

    * Christians should go to a Bible-Based Christ-Centered Church (however, this is NOT required for Salvation)

    * Christians should Partake of the Bread and Wine during the Lord's Evening Meal (however, this is NOT required for Salvation)

    * A Christian should preach to others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 30 December 2002 2:37:18

  • abbagail

    Hi Undisfellowshipped! Thanks for the explanations/list. How can it be that EVERYONE (who is saved) goes to heaven? If that is so, what is to happen to the earth (according to the born agains)? What was the purpose for it (the earth)? Do the born agains think God is going to literally destroy the earth? Do you (as a born again) believe in a great trib or armageddon? What about the rapture? (If you have already written explanations about these subjects elsewhere, would you mind merely directing me to the links?) Thanks Undf'd!!!

  • LittleToe

    I was "born again" on 28th June, 2001. At the time I was an active JW Elder, and didn't see it coming, as it hit me from stage right. I interpreted it as being "anointed", which was correct biblically, but I don't like to use the phrase because of the JW connotations.

    The only thing that had changed in my beliefs, prior to this, was that I had an increased appreciation for Christ and wanted to pray to Him (though I never plucked up the courage to, at that point).

    Afterwards my beliefs came unravelled, in the following loose order:

    Salvation is by grace (free, undeserved kindness) not works like door knocking.
    Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct persona, but have the same nature.
    Humans have a "soul" which survives death.
    Hell isn't nice (though I still lean towards "outer darkness" rather than "fire and brimstone").
    Every "believer" goes to Christ, and who cares where that is, as long as it's with Him?
    I currently believe that this old heavens and earth will be destroyed, to be replaced by a new one. Where I might be in that is not my choice, just as the disciples couldn't choose to be on Jesus left or right sides.
    Most of the above is subject to change, and I may probably laugh at my stupidity, when I finally meet my maker.

    I believe there are salvation issues (putting faith in Christ and following Him) and peripheral issues.
    The peripheral issues will be argued about until the end of time, and have caused more denominational splits than can be numbered. Personally I feel I can call anyone "brother", based on their relationship with Christ, because if they are His brother or sister then they are mine.

    I continue to love Thomas' words at John 20:28.

  • LittleToe

    Should have added, and feel a bit of a fool for not doing (Luke 10:27 ):

    And answering, he said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength," and with all your mind, and "your neighbor as yourself."

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