Who Is Jehovah?

by reporter 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RevMalk

    Whoever he is, I'm almost positive he's more than thrilled with your language.

  • reporter

    I don't care. He can censor it out. That's how I feel about your condecension, and I don't apologize for that.

  • Happy

    Attention! It has recently been discovered that Jehovah is homosexual! How do we know this? Read on to have your life forever changed!

    We know this because numerous passages in the Bible suggest it.

    1) When God created Eve, he was well aware that she would fall victim to Satan. This was because he intentionally created her inferior to Adam. Why you ask? He wanted men to be supreme so that his lover would be great, like him. (God also wanted a Human lover...to be discussed in future article.) This is the first passage that reveals God's sexuality!

    2)God was ashamed of being gay, and that is why he condemned the homosexuals; he was trying to hide his own gayness!

    3)God made priests male so that all those closest to him would be a sexual prospect!

    Do not overlook the plain facts people! God is gay. Accept it! We know for certain! You wouldn't question the superior authorities would you?

  • reporter

    Beneath the satire, that's another issue, too, as regards the WTS and others view toward homosexuality, and how Paul's own personal views came to be seen as Gospel by fundies today.

  • shera
  • Cygnus

    The God of the New Testament is a God of peace?

    Have you read Jesus' threats against non-believers? Paul's words to the Thessalonians about God destroying everything in his sight that does not "obey the good news"? The book of Revelation?

  • ashitaka

    Cyg beat me to it. But the real question posed in this thread is:

    Does this size type make me more credible? Truly?

  • reporter

    Cyg, good point, long time no see! I just have some time to browse around some articles today. Remember me? I'm the old "Theocracy Rules Again" back when were Born in the "Troof"! I know your down there in the snowbelt, and I never seem to get a chance to post here, much less see you post! Good to see ya!

    BTW, I copied the type as it was published, my oops for not formatting it before reprinting it...

  • Ravyn

    keep up the good work reporter. you might be interested in Barbara Walker's Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets. Yes I know Barbara is highly criticized in the so-called 'scholarly' circles, but the woman comes up with some interesting tidbits. I got that book BEFORE I left JWs officially and I have to say after reading her entries for 'Jehovah', 'Nephilim', 'sex' and others I knew I had swallowed the red pill and there was no turning back...

    Now what is the problem these people seem to have with the 'F' word? Talk about a sexual hangup! I personally think it is the most beautiful word there is and I am only respecting this list by calling it the 'F' word like I am in 4th grade giggling in the girl's room. Grow up trollies.

    I have come to the conclusion that THE ultimate diety---that great glob of potential--the One--the Source, et al is called IF. That name not only stands on its own but it is also the abbreviation for "Infinite F***" which is what I feel not only names it, but also explains it.


  • reporter

    Yeah, and the Garden of Eden was a SNAFU...

    It's amazing how the story of the Flood was based on eliminating a sex-obsessed race from corrupting the earth. Being sex-obsessed was nothing unique to the Nephilim. It is all pervasive in our society, it forms the basis of most of our "swear" words, and certainly the WTS has not shied away from ruling on matters in our bedrooms over the years.

    Add the pedophilia issue dogging major churches and the WTS now and it is as much a current issue as it ever was.

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