How you guys doing?
Sorry if this was discussed already but I havent been around lately.
My sis and bro in law had some of their witness family fly in and visit them last week. They decided that they wanted to visit Bethel here in NYC. (They went just this past Friday)
To their astonishement, they found the factories (or printery as they are now calling it) 3/4 empty. All the conveyor belts have been removed and there were hardly no personnel.
As if that wasnt enough shock for them, when they tried to visit 360 Furman which is the shipping "Central", they were told that the building was almost empty and that the property was up for sale.
The reason was that it was no longer feasable for the Society to ship to other countries being that most already had their own factories.
They were pretty disappointed not to find the "busy brothers" at work like you see on the WT videotape.
Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll sell all their property in Brooklyn!