I have to agree whole-heartedly with Xena. Being in a religion that supressed all independent thinking, it seems that we'd all be just a little more open-minded to new ideas without throwing them out without even thinking about it first. I don't have an opinion on the first post yet, I don't have enough information yet, but if you think it sounds strange, think about this... there was a god, he decided to make the race of man, so he got some dirt and spit in it and made man. Then he took a rib from this man and made woman. Just stated like that it sounds strange as well. Just a thought.
Are the Nephilim Still Exerting Influence?
by reporter 33 Replies latest jw friends
Oh, I've soooooooooooo missed it here; that post was funny.
First of all, the idea of a distant erratic planet has pretty well been done to death by Anne McCaffery in the Dragon Riders of Pern series.
Secondly, her books were MORE believable.
Thirdly, all this other planet distant uber-overlord malarchy and incarnated beings jive is very Ron L Hubberd (Scientologists) and Joseph Smith (Mormons). They're widely regarded, with reason, to be two of the biggest bull merchants that are described as 'religions'. Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
Fourthly we have a huge utter and total lack of, ladies and gentlemen, proof.
Having wasted the first 3/4 of my life on something which is unprovable, I'll be damned if I'm going to believe in anything with out extremely good reasons.
You have failed to provide any concrete evidence for you assertations. You're welcome to believe what you like, but because you have no proof at all whatsoever, I think you're peddling time-wasting rubbish, and have opened your mind to the extent the top of it has dropped off.
Do some research; look at 'teleological' and 'nihlism'. Once you've reached the point you can discuss the difference between the two and can take a position, with reasoned arguement, over which you feel is the more likely viewpoint, you will be able to recognise the difference between what someone said somewhere, and what can be relaibly proven.
It's important that you do this; many of us lost years due to undeveloped analytical skills, which were kept that way by design by the WTBS. Don't lose any more for the same reason.
Just as you are
But welcome
Proof is in the puding, show me pictures of these reptilian men, oh you can't. Enough said.
I don't believe that anyone posting here is trying to get a group of followers. We're just exchanging information, which is free to all.
The experiences an individual has in their own life, shapes the directions they look to. That's why I don't judge anyone who presents new information, whether it be their own concept, or something another person has written, or dreamed, whatever. If they want to share that with me, with us, I think that's great.
And the best thing about all of it, is that there is no pressure to conform, no meetings to go to, no proselyzing.......nothing but posting and reading. Presenting ideas and theories and getting feedback. I enjoy it.
For most of the things that human beings ponder about, there is no real proof. No picture to save. No voice to tape. Nothing but memory and perception. When an individual experiences something, it is "theirs" within their heart and soul; and it is their faith in those perceptions that carry them and sustain them.