I'm having a bit of a problem.
My mother recently decided to go back to the meetings. It isn't enough that I've made a personal decision for myself to not go. But I find her constantly trying to push me to go. I don't like her tactics either. Coming and trying to have conversations with me and trying to question me.
I haven't fully declared my stance as far as the organization. I've done my own research and have kept it to myself. I'm aware that coming out and stating my case will have some consequences. Being that all of my family are DEEPLY into it. Very strong beliefs in being JW's. I was raised as one, but it just isn't my views anymore.
It's just really frustrating with her trying to force me to go to the meetings and trying to use every opportunity as a "witness" for me to go back.
I'm just sick of the lies and hypocrisy... the false doctrines. The double standards, the haughtiness and greediness. And it really ticks me off that NONE of my family has ever done any research of any kind at any point in their life.
I feel... or rather know, that they'll peck me endlessly with extreme force once I tell them that it's no longer my views as far as the organization.
Should I go occasionally? Or... any advice? I plan to disassociate myself once I move out. But until then, it's such a hassle.