Got any big plans? I plan on going in the Big City til the wee hours of New Years Day.....And you???
What Are You Doing On New Year's Eve?
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Going out in Service of course. I plan on knocking on as many doors as possible and then go down to Time Square with a loud speaker and just before midnight, explain to everyone there how celebrating New Years is from pagan origin and that it displeases our God, the Governing Body.
I'll be right here. I heard there was a party planned.
ROFL @ Mary! Can I go, too? I am REALLY behind in my Field Service hours...
LOL ....Mary!! I want to come too!! Maybe we can sing some JW songs on the loud speaker also!
No batteries for my loud speaker so I'll do what I usually do on news year. Go to sleep about 2 hours before midnight and call it good.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! Sorry that's late, but my monitor took a dump and..and...*sob* seemed like a lifetime!
Anyway, I'll be selling glow necklaces at a fireworks display somewhere in Delaware and on New Years Day I'll be selling balloons and toys and EAGLES (!!!!!!) souveniers at the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia (if it doesn't rain).
Well all I can say is either I will tie one on like no tomorrow in total exstatsy because a horrible year has passed for me or I will sit and watch all the other maniacs trying to forget their misery over the past year. I think the former sounds pretty good .
I thought everybody knew that "professional" partyers do not go out on New Year's Eve, only amateurs! Seriously, to those who do go out, have a designated driver or party in a hotel where you can get a room---BE SAFE and ARRIVE ALIVE in 2003!
As for me, I will stay with my 3 year old grandson while my son and daughter in law go out to a party at a friends house. This is a tradition that I began the first New Year's Eve after he was born. There is no one on earth that I would rather kiss at midnight than my grandson(while he is sleeping, of course!) I can go out and party ANY night, but that night will be for Isaac and me. Next New Year's Eve, we will have a little girl for me to kiss, too(Hannah Madison). She is due in March, and I can't wait. Happy New Year to all of you, and BE CAREFUL!
Eyegirl and I are launching our tour company...Kinky Blonde Tours on New Years Eve. Our first venture will be to lead an expedition to Sex World. The Tour Bus leaves at 8 kiddies, so be sure to hop on...