What Are You Doing On New Year's Eve?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Got any big plans? I plan on going in the Big City til the wee hours of New Years Day.....And you???

  • Mary

    Going out in Service of course. I plan on knocking on as many doors as possible and then go down to Time Square with a loud speaker and just before midnight, explain to everyone there how celebrating New Years is from pagan origin and that it displeases our God, the Governing Body.

  • CBeMe

    I'll be right here. I heard there was a party planned.


  • OrbitingTheSun

    ROFL @ Mary! Can I go, too? I am REALLY behind in my Field Service hours...

  • RubyTuesday

    LOL ....Mary!! I want to come too!! Maybe we can sing some JW songs on the loud speaker also!

  • LB

    No batteries for my loud speaker so I'll do what I usually do on news year. Go to sleep about 2 hours before midnight and call it good.

  • siegswife

    HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! Sorry that's late, but my monitor took a dump and..and...*sob*...it seemed like a lifetime!

    Anyway, I'll be selling glow necklaces at a fireworks display somewhere in Delaware and on New Years Day I'll be selling balloons and toys and EAGLES (!!!!!!) souveniers at the Mummers Parade in Philadelphia (if it doesn't rain).


  • heathen

    Well all I can say is either I will tie one on like no tomorrow in total exstatsy because a horrible year has passed for me or I will sit and watch all the other maniacs trying to forget their misery over the past year. I think the former sounds pretty good .

  • omiecoop

    I thought everybody knew that "professional" partyers do not go out on New Year's Eve, only amateurs! Seriously, to those who do go out, have a designated driver or party in a hotel where you can get a room---BE SAFE and ARRIVE ALIVE in 2003!

    As for me, I will stay with my 3 year old grandson while my son and daughter in law go out to a party at a friends house. This is a tradition that I began the first New Year's Eve after he was born. There is no one on earth that I would rather kiss at midnight than my grandson(while he is sleeping, of course!) I can go out and party ANY night, but that night will be for Isaac and me. Next New Year's Eve, we will have a little girl for me to kiss, too(Hannah Madison). She is due in March, and I can't wait. Happy New Year to all of you, and BE CAREFUL!

  • joannadandy

    Eyegirl and I are launching our tour company...Kinky Blonde Tours on New Years Eve. Our first venture will be to lead an expedition to Sex World. The Tour Bus leaves at 8 kiddies, so be sure to hop on...

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