I must say that I am troubled by those of you who have likened the JW's to the borg. The collective is nothing like the organization. The borg assimilate and improve themselves as a whole. There is no upper eschelon that manipulate and decieve the masses. I bet you'd be hard pressed to find a pedophile or megalomaniac in the entire collective. The dubs are infected and unlike the Borg, who when they sense an infection and disengage from the affected, the dubs duck and cover, gloss it over and lie straight to your face. I know. I was there. I was one who had to know the "truth". I was told to keep my mouth shut. I am free now and living as an individual for the first time in my life. Besides. I would alot rather wear that cool latex rubber stuff the borg wear, than carry a book bag and wear a tie!
Thunder Rider