How was it for you?

by ozziepost 30 Replies latest jw friends


    2002 for me:

    Also bittersweet with some of my worst times L and some of my best J - - - let me explain:

    Lost my job due to layoff - - - no money in research L - - - so Im thinking of starting my own business. Am in the process of researching (LOL) the possibilities. Ill need a website, and I have two support organizations here that are interested in helping me. J

    Broke up with one boyfriend J - - - another boyfriend broke up with me.L

    My two kids and two of my six brothers are shunning me L - - - however, I have gained four more of my brothers who are happy that I left the jws! We celebrated Christmas together and it was probably the best Christmas - - - ever! J In fact, it even surpassed the holiday in Mazatlan with my ex-ballroom dance partner/boyfriend.

    I am healing from the jw bullsh** J - - - I will keep putting distance between myself and that crap by re-learning, re-programming and re-parenting myself. J It is a difficult struggle L and a rewarding one, J because the new person that I am becoming is a beautiful, talented and lovable one, J unlike what the jws told me I was or was not. L I like that I have chosen to direct my own life now, as opposed to letting the borg make the rules for my life J


    L 6

    J 9

    Yaaaay!!!! I win!!!!! J

    Wishing Everyone a Happy & Prosperous 2003!!!!!!! J


  • Princess

    Aloha Ozzie!

    2002 started out kind of slow (business wise) for us but by the second half it was picking up. Totally up to speed by the end of the year and we are only slightly behind last year. So that was good.

    I'm sorry so many people had a bad year. It's pretty hard to read all the bad experiences. We had a good year. I spent too much money on travel but was able to take my kids all over the place visiting friends and family and some lovely princesses in Disneyland too. Now we are having a ball in Hawaii with family. It's a big party on the beach every day.

    I promise to get that postcard in the mail to you soon Ozzie. Any particular images you want to see?

    I hope 2003 is a great year for everyone. It should be good for us, starts off with our DA announcement next week. Cool.


  • IslandWoman

    Hi Ozzie,

    Great topic!

    I have a dangerous job and consequently I live from day to day. I live a life that is on the edge everyday so the end of each day is another day I've made it and I move on to the next.

    I wouldn't have it any other way. The only problem is I do not have a whole years history in my head because when living like my life is about to end every day I have not racked up weekly or monthly memories. My children are healthy, so I will call this year good!

    Thanks for asking,


  • flower

    This was the best year of my life. I found this site and was set free from mental bondage.

    edited to add... And its the first year that I didnt set foot in a single Kingdum Kingdom Hall.

    Edited by - flower on 31 December 2002 14:26:39

  • Kenneson


  • Elsewhere


    Had some bad times... Could not find work in the IT field and lost my apartment and had to stay in a friend's spare room. Also became more distant from my family - maybe this is good in the long term.

    Had some good things happen... ened up in a bigger and better apartment for $120 permonth less than before. Was introduced to some of the Spiritual Food offered by our Faithless and Indiscrete Slave (Valis).

    Had some other very good things happen too.

  • ozziepost

    For Mrs Ozzie and I, this was "the best of times, and the worst of times".

    We went through the TERRIBLE anguish of having all our children taken from us by the Borg's minions, and Mrs Ozzie sheds a tear or two a day for each one of them

    After that, how was it "the best"?

    We experienced true freedom, and have found a sort of peace. No longer feeling the stresses of having to do this or that, (Freedom means not having to wear a tie.) we have experienced great joy in being with people for themselves, not conditionally as was the case in Dubdom. We've also travelled and been blessed with a degree of good health to allow us to do it. Our R&R was magical, and we'll be off again very shortly. Our friends know where!

    It seems to me that this forum is a place where there is so much hurting, and where so much encouragement can be given. I, for one, think it's counter-productive to add to the hurt, and try to avoid it. But then, that's what we've learned on our road to freedom. (And if anyone tries to "shanghai" this thread, I'll zap 'em! )

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Edited by - ozziepost on 31 December 2002 18:3:3

  • Mum

    2002 was, quite possibly, the best year of my life so far. For the first time, I earn an income sufficient to meet expenses and enjoy luxuries. In 2002, I purchased a home of my own, a condo about half a block from my place of employment. Besides that, I went to the Silentlambs march in New York and took my daughter as a birthday present to her, received a small inheritance, saw my daughter receive a bachelor's degree in Chemistry (at last!), and had wonderful friends in both the real world and cyber world when I needed them. I have a achieved a level of self-confidence and contentment which I would never have dreamed possible in my "former life."

    I have been out of the org since 1979. The first few years were very hard, and there were times when I wondered if life were worth living. I feel for all of you who are newly free and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Things do get better. There are struggles and loneliness, but as you learn to make your own choices and take the consequences thereof, good or bad, your judgment improves, and the result is a better life than you could have imagined as a JW. Hang in there!

    Happy New Year to all!


  • GeddyLee

    2002 treated me well. Went on a great trip through classical greece, the greek isles, and Turkey. Than actually went through with my new years resolution to write and send in my letter of dissassociation to the cult. Feels great ending the year without that albatross around my neck.

  • SPAZnik

    It was good for me.

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