Jehovah's Witnesses appeal to UK charity tribunal against regulator's statutory inquiry
by Stealth 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This is crazy, how can you appeal a decision to investigate something? No decision or judgement has been reached. If you are guilty of nothing why fear an investigation? -
Witness My Fury
Imagine how that would wash if a JW under investigation for wrongdoing by 2 designated elders appeals the investigation proceedure.
yeah, that would work...
Jehovahs Witnesses a charitable organization ? Pull the other leg.!
They are discriminatory , they only help fellow Jw`s or relatives of such or sometimes interested persons , never do they help people who are not in some way afilliated with their religion .
They are not a charity by any stretch of the imagination .
What they are : A multi-million dollar publishing/printing agency , and a Multi-million dollar real estate profiteer
reaping millions of dollars from the sales of kingdom halls built by the most part of free labour and time ,that all goes back to head office and not to the individual congregations that provided it in the first place.
And this policy is in place all over the earth. No matter where you are on earth money goes back to H.O in America .
Crazy Guy - "I'm sure if the Borg loses its status they will just tell the rank and file to do some minor charity work so they can get their status back."
For whatever good that'll do.
Barb Anderson did a bit of digging a while back, and concluded that the WTS's decidedly uncharitable nature goes all the way back to Russel.
That's an old habit that'll die hard, I think.