Parasites come in all flavors of Religion and walks of life. Hope the Estate can recover some of the funds. These Elders and their assests should be sued till they are all sleeping in a tent. I saw this pattern back in the 60s. Taking advantage of elderly Witnesses, coercing money out of someone, using the Truth and a surety for the loan. It always ended badly, and rarely if ever were monies repaid.
2 Elders steal 6 million dollars
by outoftheorg 27 Replies latest social current
Wolves in sheep's clothing - what lowlifes. Wonder what went through their heads when they looked at themselves in the mirror.
I've seen this too , jws who prey on the elderly . These may not have family locally and they move in and take over. They often accept gifts and other valuable things.
This should be a warning to all who have elderly relatives to keep in contact physically or you might find they have signed over their home/ drained their bank account - to some jws . It can and does happen and this is just one huge case that made the news. There are many others.
I hope this scared all the jws out there in the "ministry" preying off the elderly. they don't see it that way of course, they feel if the family cared about them they would have checked on them and the elderly can give money to whomever they want. B*stards.
Adult protective services can help.
It's shocking what elders are getting away with nowadays! Back in my day, only the Governing Body could get away with this kind of stuff...
I remember when that had happened to that poor women, and I was told that there was more than the two elders that were involved. There was talk of some elders and other JW's that were a part of this in the Missoula Cong. even a rumor of a women in my hall 50 miles north of Missoula getting a house bought and paid for with those stolen funds. I don't know how much of it was true but it made me really sick!
I just stumbled upon this story.....
I knew Una Anderson. When I was a young lad, my family was in her congregation, we went to her house for Book Study, this had to have been in the mid-70's. I fondly remember the smell when you walked into her house..... that grandmotherly apple orchard something cooking on the stove smell. I remember that I was fascinated by a multicolored broach that she always wore, eventually she gave it to me!
I didnt recognize the names of the elders, had to have been long after I moved away. Just seeing her name reminded me of a kind old sister (she was old back then!), one that I always wanted to be MY gramma!
Good to see that those selfish pigs got what was coming to them for taking advantage of a kind ol' farm girl. Shame on them and their ilk.
"...She celebrated her 101st birthday at a party earlier this month, and is good-natured, bright and quick to give a witty reply. She also knows what happened to her family fortune, and feels the same emotions that other elderly victims feel after being violated - anger, disappointment and betrayal..." Exerpt from the story The history of the Watcthower growth in the US to me looks similar. I have haeard elder people being told to wait on JAH or sign up their real estate to the Watchtower. I think, its possible these two thieving Jehovah's Witnessess elders were merely copying the Watchtower play book.
LoisLane looking for Superman
State of Montana - Board of Pardons and Parole Final Board Dispositions, March 2013
DOC ID: 2046086 Offender Name: ERICKSON, Dale Alden
Crime: Conspiracy; Theft; Conspiracy; Securities Fraud
Disposition: Parole upon completion of pre-release. Reg CDC, MH, comply w/court ordered conditions,
restricted from maintaining a checking or credit card account, restricted from casinos and bars.
Restricted from participating in any medical marijuana program. Parole Eligibility Date: 11/19/2005
Hearing Type: A
Key to AcronymsCrimes: UODW = Use of Dangerous Weapon; SIWC = Sexual Intercourse without Consent; CPODD = Criminal Possesion of Dangerous Drugs; CSODD = Criminal Sale of Dangerous Drugs; PFO = Persistent Felony Offender
CD/CDC = Chemical Dependency Counseling; MH = Mental Health Counseling; CP & R = Cognitive Principles & Restructuring; SOP = Sex Offender Program; TSCTC/ICP = Boot Camp (Treasure State Correctional Training Center/Intensive Challenge Program); UA = Urinalysis TestingHearing Types:
A = Appearance; AD = Administrative Decision; AR = Annual Review; CR = Case Review; EC = Executive Clemency; PV = Parole Revocation; Rch = RecessionI googled and found this. I have no idea how long pre-release is. It has been over 6 months, so it is possible he is out, now, a "free" man.
He and his partner in crime swindled this sister out of $7,150,000.00. This sister had enough of Christian Hospitality, and never went back
to the Kingdom Hall.
She had been fleeced, enough.