The Society teaches two different ways of salavation.John 3:16, 5:24, 10:28, and other verses which speak about having "eternal life"are said to apply only to the 144,000 "heavenly class".And they obtain this life without going from door to door but simply because they became Jehovah's Witnesses before 1935. While the 'other sheep',the earthly class,can receive eternal life only after the Millennium,and only if they "endure to the end"! Why do the 'elite' gain eternal life sp easily,yet the 'other sheep' have to work so hard for their salavation?This teaching is unscriptual and lacks logic.
Example:If the teaching is true that only 144,000 persons will go to heaven,I would like to know how there could possibly be any openings left when Charles T. Russell came upon the scene in 1880?The book of Acts mentions at least 100,000 people saved,and this was only the beginning of the growth of Christianity. Estimates have it that there were at least 250,000 Jews in the early church,not counting the thousands of Gentiles.Also there were over 250,000 martyrs who would surely be included in the 144,000.
In the Watchtower book "The Finished Mystery"1917,Charles T. Russell said there were 861,000 martyrs.It seems obvious (logical) that these openings would all have been filled in the Apostolic age or shortly thereafter. Blueblades