I have a good question.When Jehovah-Witnesses believed that smurfs were demons that is what they thought and no one will ever change that it's just a fact of life for the Jehovah-Witnesses.I think it is very hilarious but it is not for a Jehovah-Witness they believe what they believe and we believe what we believe.I thought when I found out about the demon smurfs I thought it was hilarious but it is not.
A good question
by No_one_shall_know_my_name 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
District Overbeer of the "Troll Hunter" class
I have a lousy question that really simply leads into a long confusing neverending statement with the intent of leaving you perplexed and bewildered. When Banana Kings in Zimbabwe thought their voodoo dolls were sent by the village witch doctor and that was just a fact and nobody in the village could ever change that just another part of life for a villager and their voodoo doll. I think it is very hilarious but it is not for a common Zimbabwe villager who simply wants to believe in the power of voodoo and you don't believe and I don't believe but we all believe that there is a word called voodoo. I thought when I found out about the voodoo doll I thought it was hilarious but it is not.
Edited by - MrMoe on 31 December 2002 11:51:54
LOL, good call guys
you mean its not hilarious because this believe shows very dramatically the pathetic state of mind of an average JW?
I am not saying it is not hilarious but it is not hilarios for a Jehovah-Witness but I think it is just the funniest thing I have ever heard.LOL Being scared of smurfs is one thing but thinking they are demons is another.
So you are saying it is hilarious
I am not saying it is not hilarious but it is not hilarios
but its not for a dub but it is the funniest thing you ever heard.
Being scared of smurfs is one thing but thinking they are demons is another.
Why else would anyone be afraid of smurfs???? I fail to see the humor. I believe it is equally silly to think smurfs are demons as to be afraid of them.
Ok, no more feeding trolls for me.
You have a very good point but the conclusion we are coming to is why did they believe that smurfs are a sort of demon sent from the underworld
himself.Is that not enough proof to show the evilness
Dude, thanks for making me luagh, but I'll be damned if you don't strike me as one big huge run-on-sentence.
I see wierd stuff here every day, then the net manages to bring yet another mystery to human psychology. Welcome smurf dude.