My goals for 2003? Love and give more to everyone, even to myself. Now that I've faced most of
the passed, say thanks for the good things as well as the bad take the good with me, then leave
that past just where it is. Forgive everyone for the perceived wrongs as well as the real,
including myself. Make friends and family, not just acquaintances. Get my ass back into class
and just get over it. Speak my mind and not take it personally when others disagree. No more
bottling emotions. Be gratefull.
And if a nice guy comes along with romance on his mind, that would be the icing!
I want to thank everyone who has posted on this board. Whatever the topic, or the response,
either to my posts or others, I have greatly benefited in the last 30 days that I have
been here. I'm not the same as I was on Dec. 2.
Wishing all much love, joy, peace and prosperity. Theresa
Edited by - moreisbetter on 31 December 2002 23:40:54