Does the good in the organization outweigh all the bad in the organization? What would you add to the Pros and Cons on this list?
Does the Good outweigh the Bad?
by JH 10 Replies latest jw friends
I would just sum up all that most ultra conservative christianity (i.e. falwell) supports and put it in the "con" side.
Pro life-
against stem cell research
only possible way for a person to be reformed is through OUR organization
In my opinion all organized religion when put on a scale is grossly wanting.
The United Nations gives more hope for concrete positive change here on earth than any religion has ever or could ever do!
I look forward to the day when my grandchildren will call themselves not only Americans but also citizens of earth. That they will fly both the U.N. flag and the U.S. flag and that one day their grandchildren will fly the Unified Earth flag.
It is in this way that mankind will honor God and not dishonor him by the promoting of division and hate as the religions of the world have done.
It is very fitting that the Watchtower religion is slithering away from the capitol city of the United Nations. The seed of the woman will soon crush the head of religion!
The United Nations gives more hope for concrete positive change here on earth than any religion has ever or could ever do!
I'm sure all the dead children of the world that had suffered from U.N. sanctions and embargos share your sentiments. I'm also postive that all the people who suffer in poverty due to backdoor dealings with the World Bank & IMF with the U.N. also would like to send their support.
I'm sure all the dead children of the world that had suffered from U.N. sanctions and embargos share your sentiments. I'm also postive that all the people who suffer in poverty due to backdoor dealings with the World Bank & IMF with the U.N. also would like to send their support.
You find any org. run by men and you will find wrongs committed! That is the way it is, but my point was that the U.N. offers the greatest hope for positive change. It, like the U.S. 150 years ago, is in its formative stages and will likely have some divisions and troubles in the near future but give it and mankind another 100 years and I believe the results will be good.
But what "good news" are they actually preaching?
That in order to survive the coming Great Tribulation(TM) you have to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, otherwise you'll be annihilated and your eyes picked out by crows (including children.)
That's not such good news for 99.9% of the world's population.
We're all aware on the cons so no need to beat a dead horse.....
But the teaching of morals (however strict they were)
My guilt actually DID keep me safe as a teenager. They teach VERY strong morals, and I think that is deffinently a Pro.
Teaching good morals? Not in my case. When I was very young one of the Elder's sons unzipped his pants to show me his little wanger. I ran off before he could reveal his glory. Next thing I know everyone at the KH were warned to stay away from me....apparently I was a little sleaze bag just waiting to get my hands on all the innocent little JW boys.
Edited by - rubytuesday on 2 January 2003 14:50:34
but my point was that the U.N. offers the greatest hope for positive change.
It offers THE GREATEST HOPE for positive change? Well...I'm sure all looks that way when one is wearing rose colored glasses I suppose.
It, like the U.S. 150 years ago, is in its formative stages and will likely have some divisions and troubles in the near future give it and mankind another 100 years and I believe the results will be good.
Just like the U.S. 150 years later (that would be today-by your reference) the U.N. will be more crippled and corrupt a 100 years from now. Let's use this U.S. comparison/reasoning that you've introduced in to your claim, shall we?
Let's the past 150 years we have witnessed:
1. The stripping of personal liberties and freedoms of the citizens of the United States.
2. Political and social values of the Western culture enforced upon the rest of the world.
3. Socially elite and corporate interests placed above the common citizen of the U.S. and the citizens of the world.
4. Justice being biased and perverted, one's right to a "fair and just" trial equates to the amount of money one has and/or social status.
5. The continued pyramid process in economics, in which there are the rich on top and poor on the bottom.
6. Freedom of choice being eradicated continuously.
7. Intolerance of various religious groups. Intolerance of various beliefs. Intolerance of various ethnic groups. Double standards of such in the public and private arenas.
8. Freedom of Speech serve the special interest groups, as opposed to the common citizen. One has a right to opinion, but is condemned if speaking such if it doesn't follow the current "Politically Correct" idealisms.
9. Continued oppression of third world countries due to: corporate exploitation and oppression. U.S. policy and trading practices.
Etc., etc., etc., . . .Only a few points...a very few.; Now we must realize this one simple fact is: No government, No corporate entity, No banking entity, No socially elite entity, No special interest entity is going to voluntarily give up it's power to the U.N. In FACT, the U.N. is influenced and run by such interests. There goes "the greatest hope" out the window. Sure the Utopian idealisms and struggle for a better world is going to tickle everybody's heart and mind. For "the greatest hope" to function and come to be is, at best, a fantasy.
No organization on this planet, be it (collective) government or religious, will ever offer "the greatest hope". Why? Diversity. You will have to abolish various diversities in this world in order to follow one common idea. Even if such claims are backed up in the noble cry of "tolerance".
How does any one, or many, eliminate a vast array of completely natural human behaviors? By law? By education? By indoctrination? Is "the greatest hope" entitled to "enforce" such a idealism upon the various citizens of this planet? They can promote it...yep, sure...but if we look at how it REALLY works, it's never promoted...but enforced. Even if such "enforcement" is not probable by the current interests and powers that run the U.N., for indeed, themselves are in conflict with each other.
"The greatest hope" works for you, because such idealisms and opinion rests within in what you believe would be the "ideal world" under the guidance of the (by your personal perception) U.N. For the rest of the world? Be it the powers a the aforementioned entities and/or the people who work with and under them, will never succumb openly to what would be called "the greatest tyranny".