For me, a life of brokenheartedness, confusion and sadness festered from being poisoned from a very young and innocent age. Being force fed -- by well meaning parents -- an understanding and belief in a God that would certainly kill me if I did not love Him..... THE ULTIMATE CATCH-22!!!
Noticed this was an older topic, but I am glad it popped about again. I didn't know your story Thomas, though I have read a lot of your more recent posts. You brought out some good points here and things I have been pondering lately if I am ever called to give a defense (or forced to) which is most likely. In the end it all seems like such a self serving religion. Not only do you have to serve the WT God in order to save your neck--you have to cut others off who won't serve that God because he will destoy you are human enough to show unconditional love--even to your own family (if they are out of the faith).