I ran so fast that time and youth at last ran out. I never stopped to think what life was all about.
Favorite Movie Quotes
by meadow77 60 Replies latest jw friends
"You've got two empty halves of coconuts and you're bangin them together!"
"Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?"
"It could grip it by the husk"
"It's NOT A QUESTION OF WHERE HE GRIPS IT! It's a simple matter of weight ratio, a five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut"
sean connery in the untouchables "you wanna get capone ? heres how u get im , he pulls a knife u pull a gun he puts one of yours in the hospital ,u put on of his in the morgue, now thats the chicago way and thats how u get capone "
Hes got the handwriting of a serial killer. Steel Magnolias
when a naked man chases a woman down an alleyway with a butcher knife and a @@@@ on , i figure he isnt collecting for the red cross clint eastwood dirty harry
When it was over, all I could think about was how this entire
notion of oneself, what we are, is...is just this logical structure...
A place to momentarily house all the abstractions.
It was a time to become conscious, to give form and coherence
to the mystery...And I had been a part of that...It was a gift.
Life was raging all around me, and every moment was magical.
I loved all the people, dealing with all the contradictory impulses.
Thats what I loved the mostconnecting with the people.
Looking back, thats all that really mattered. ~Waking Life~ -
"Some people oughta know when they've been conquered" Russel Crowe the gladiator
"You know what I like about high school girls?
I get older and they stay the same age."
Matthew McConaughey - "Dazed and Confused"
"I'm Your Huckleberry"!!
"I kick ass for the Lord!"
Dead Alive
and my all-time favorite
Princess Bride