Were you born into the jw faith?

by nakedmvistar 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • nakedmvistar

    How many of you on this forum were born into the jw faith? Do you think this put you at a disadvantage when leaving the ORG. Do you think that someone who becomes a witness later in life would have an easier time adjusting back to a "normal" life? Your thoughts would be appreciated!


  • truthseeker1

    I married into it, and it would be far worse had I been born into it. I would have lost my "fleshly family" (ack, JW saying) too. But either way, its worth the peace of mind.

  • artful

    I was "born" into it, and I think that it does pose a number of difficulties for someone who has not cut themselves off from the JWs. Firstly, because I am not separated from the JWs currently (DFd or DAd) the ramifications of this action makes it a very difficult thing to bring myself to do. I realize that my family, with whom I have a great relationship, would be put in a very difficult position with regards to association with me.
    Secondly, my daughter who is very young, could potentially be raised by my wife in an environment which teaches that Daddy is essentially bad! Since these are not very attractive outcomes, it leaves me feeling trapped into maintaining a kind of "inaction" with respect to my disassociation.


  • borgfree

    Hi nakedmvistar,

    I was born into the JWs. I think it may be harder for the ones born into it. I never knew any other information on beliefs, other than what the WT told us others believed. When I left the WT, I didn't think I would ever believe the way "babylon the great" believed, or go to a church.

    I do, now believe the way Christians all over the world believe.


  • nakedmvistar
    Thanks for your reply, artful! If I may further expand on my question....Do you think that it would be difficult if not impossible for you to "integrate" into normal society being that you have not been exposed to or follow many of the worldly practices?.... Holidays and personal associations included. Would this be a hurdle or a welcomed experience?
  • Francois

    Yeah, me too. My great grandmother was at that Cedar Point, OH convention thingy they like to take on so much about and how it fulfilled prophecy and all that jazz. I wonder if she knows how much trouble she stirred up for her descendants?

    Is it harder to get out? I think it's less likely, 'cause of the "train a boy the way he should be, and when he grows old...etc, etc."

    'Course, some of us are just natural born rebels.




    I was born and raised one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Was a "strong" JW. I was a regular pioneer. My Father the P.O. of a number of Congregations and my Mother was always a Reg. Pioneer. Until 2 years ago I was an ACTIVE dub.
    It was very hard when I left. All my immediate family where dubs and of course not being allowed to associate with "wordly" people; I was totally alone. I've always been very outgoing but it was still hard for me. I can't imagine being shy or introverted and being raised a JW and then DF'ed or DA'd. It is extremely difficult. But in time you learn to deal with and make friends.
    Just my experience. Whatever it's worth.

  • freedom96

    My mother got involved when I was very young, and so I don't remember anything but the WTS. I think it is harder for those born into to leave, for this is all they know. But, that would vary between those involved of course.

    For those who became witnesses later as an adult, for them to leave, I do believe that it is easier for them. Without doubt.

  • artful

    Thanks for your reply nakedmvistar: In fact my "integration into normal society" (holidays, celebrations,etc.) is something that I have been slowly immersing my immediate family in during the past two years. Although, this is something that has presented some obstacles - due to lack of experience with the protocols in these areas - I have been thoroughly enjoying this experience!!

    In fact this year was the first time that myself and my daughter celebrated Halloween and Christmas together. I was reassured of my decision to do this by the words of my daughter - who was so happy to be doing what all of the other kids were doing - when as we walked together hand in hand at Halloween she hugged me and said:
    "Daddy, this is the best day of my life"!!


  • musky

    I was raised a witness. I believe it is much harder to leave under these circumstances, because it is all I knew. I never celebrated christmas, birthdays, etc. Now how am I supposed to do these things with my own kids?


    I can relate to much of what you are saying. I have small children, and I get along good with my witness relatives. I don't want to ruin that.

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