Should abewsive husbands be df from jws? the bible don't say nothing about beating your wive being a df offense. the nameless one guess christian men ken beet they wives without df.
Abusive Husbands
by comforter 15 Replies latest jw friends
Your speeling shows imagination, Comfort, old son!
Stupid Question
mr oz
lol! you got room to talk. the nameless one's question not stupid. people use same reasoning when them defend smoking. it aint in bible. that mean it ok to do, dont it? the bible dont say to df abewsive men. you know it.
comforter, why must you write like an uneducated person, when you are really not? Your question is stupid because YOU know better....and that is a compliment!!!
Well comforter we know abusive husbands don't get DFed yet smokers do. So what's your reasoning? That it's ok to beat the wife but not ok to smoke?
Glad I got out. Fewer morons to deal with.
Well, comforter, I guess it would depend on what kind of woman a guy is married to.
For instance, I grew up in an abusive household. I was/am determined not to have the same thing happen in MY home. So, I made it very clear to my spouse that to hit me meant he was gonna get hurt too. And not some girly punching either. We're talking knocking out teeth and broken bones. You dig?
If we were JWs, DFing would be the least of his problems.
Big Tex
Actually, comfy you old sod, the Bible does speak to the issue of husbands treating their wives properly.
"Husbands continue loving your wives, just as the Christ also loved the congregation and delivered up himself for it." - Ephesians 5:25
"In this way husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation." - Ephesians 5:28
Jesus also said "All things therefore that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them." - Matthew 7:12
Does hitting or beating your wife show her that she is "cherished"? Does hitting or beating your wife mean that you want to be hit or beaten by other people?? Does hitting or beating your wife demonstrate the kind of love Christ had for the congregation?
You know the answers to those questions. You know the PRINCIPLES involved. And you also know that it is WRONG to hit a woman. If you don't know that, you deserve whatever "reward" "Jehovah" has waiting for you.
Love, Scully
Eny man theyat beets or hets hes wiphe shud not onle be desfelowshiped, but neds to be jealied tew, efter hes but is kiked.