Considering the fact that DNA evidence has shown that MANY people have been executed wrongly, I respectfully disagree. Until there is a way to prove beyond ANY resonable doubt using new scientific techniques, I think restraint should be shown in that regard.
There's always risks in any kind of Justice system, always has been and always will be. There's always a posibility that we may end up executing an innocent person. But the execution of innocent people is rare and doen't happen everyday, if it were, then I would agree the DP system needs to be put on hold until it's been throughly reviewed in order to fix the system.
Thomas Jefferson said he'd rather see a thousand guilty people go free than one innocent person be convicted.
Thomas Jefferson is. by the way, a liberal. This line is silly and downright a dangerous thought. This is like saying, "I'd rather see a thousand child molesters go free than one innocent person be convicted."
Recently the Federal Government ordered criminals be let out in order to relieve the prison population in prisons across the nation. And also to relieve the budget problems on prisons because it's costly to keep prisoners fed and housed. Problem is there is too many hardcore criminals getting out of prison and as a result of this, one man was let out of prison for murder only to kill again one week later. Same goes for molestors who are molesting again in another city or state in a very short amount of time after having had been released.
Execution is PERMANENT. Many death-penalty cases have been overturned when the evidence to exonerate the accused surfaced decades later. I say use restraint (not your bullshit 3-6 months timeline) when it comes to executions. Execution is PERMANENT. There are no appeals nor is there any way to get justice if the conviction was wrong or tainted once a person is snuffed.
Like I said before, the executions of innocent people is RARE. The thing is that when a criminal spend years appealing his sentence in order to keep himself/herself alive for a good number of years and while they are at it, the wounds of the victims is never healed because they have been DENIED the right to have a closure in their lives. This is a mockery to the victims and it shouldn't be so.
Even if they did put it behind them say after 5 years or so and they have their wounds re-opened again time and time again each time they have to go back to the court room to take the stand to testify against the criminals. This is too much on the psychological well being of the victims. This isn't right. Can you imagine how this feels to have your wounds re-opened for numberous times in say like 20-30 year span?
What about those who die before they have the chance to see justice done? What if there isn't any witness and victims left by the next time the criminal has his appeals being heard again in the court room? This isn't justice, this is tragedy.
Spoken like a true clueless and non-critical thinking person: offer simple solution for a complicated problem. Non-critical thinking people are like that.
Non-critical? What you think my rant was about? Of course it was critical, I'm critical about the crimes that criminals commit. I'm critical of the justice system because it is seriously flawed and a mockery to the victims all around the globe.
A rapist could get 60 years in prison whereas a murderer gets 20 years. This is a seriously farked up system, Farkel.
I can give you a hundred examples that don't fit in your neat little box. You think that KILLING folks who do what you don't like (despite not knowing what drove them to do what they did in the first place) is the solution, don't you?
I don't care what their background is and what drove them to be the monster that they are today. What I care about is that they are to be held accountable for their crimes. Blaming their past and people for making them who they are today is a cop out. It's a lame excuse. They're are trying to weasel their way out of being punished for their crimes.
Even criminals like Ted Bundy who grew up from a very fine family and raised him the best they could STILL turns out to be a monster at the end and I am glad he got fried for what he had done to his victims. To me, that's justice well served.
By the way, and for the record, I'm FOR the death penalty.
Your quote contridicts the quote on top of it. Which are you really for?