Abusive JW Elder to be released from jail...

by zenpunk 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • BluesBrother

    Rugby is not a million miles from here. My impression from anecdotal comments that I heard on the grapevine (Notice my careful disclaimer of any firsthand knowlege) is that many in his congregation believe him to have been innocent all along. They do not place much credibility on the testimony of his accusers because they are no longer Witnessess. Therefore they would not appear and give testimony at a judicial hearing and if he still denies any wrongdoing they may not have a case against him , according to their own judicial rules.

    Of course this disregards the central plank of their policy because "two witnesses" have testified against him

  • zenpunk

    He's been moved from one prison to another three times - hopefully because someone wanted to molest him. I have put in a phone call to find out what jail he's in now.

    Yea - its real ironic that he disfellowshipped those he molested! Is that sick or what?!?

    Maybe we can pull together to do a letter writing campaign.

  • kelsey007

    zenpuck- a couple of questions to consider- How long was his original sentence?

    2nd- How old was the case? In other words how many years went by between the aubuse conduct and when he was convicted?

    The victims families and the victims would ahve the most weight in his not being released- IMHO. If it is parole they should have a say. If it is time off for good behaviour there is nothing that will stop his release- except new charges.

  • zenpunk

    The original sentence was only 2 years - in itself a crime. He is currently in Rissley prison in Warrington, UK. I'm going to do some research to find out if something can be done before his release to basically prevent it.

  • Yizuman

    I'm so sick of the way the justice system is so screwed up. There's too many liberal judges in the courtroom in America as well as the liberal lawmakers within local, state and federal governments. They're giving too many criminals way too much slack and it's a downright slap in the face to the victims.

    The death penalty needs to be strengthen and enforced often. The appeals system needs to be scrapped and replaced with a newer but shorter system, say 3-6 months tops.

    We need to put to death molesters as well as murderers, rapists, kidnappers, attempted murderers since they show no respect for life anyway and other horrible crimes.

    I also wish these anti-death penalty avocates wake up and smell the coffee. Some of those whackos even showed up at Timothy McVeigh's execution protesting it. The gall of those people. This is like they want to hug and pat on the back of these sick people and shove a finger to the victims while calling them heartless people.

    I would like to see those protesters be locked up right next to the ugliest and worse criminals in prisons so that they can see and know what kind of people these monsters are.

    Phil Donahue tried to have a airing of a criminal being put to death on the electric chair some years ago, but thing is, he found out that it would only cause people to support it rather than reject it, so he scrapped the idea altogether. I found that to be funny. Hollywood tried to show it on television and theaters to see if they can draw support against the death panalty, but it didn't work.

    Just today, a Judge sentenced David Westerfield, a child molester/killer to death for the murder of 7-year-old Danielle van Dam.

    See story here....

    What makes me sick is that it's going to be years before he can be put to death based on the fact the way the appeal system is in place, it could take 20 years before he completely exhausts all of his appeals before he gets strapped on the gurney and injected with poison. (IMHO he got the easy and painless way out, another liberal bullcrap DP system, he should feel LOTS of pain before he dies)

    I'm done with the soapbox for the day


    *from the rant class*

  • Farkel


    : I'm so sick of the way the justice system is so screwed up. There's too many liberal judges in the courtroom in America as well as the liberal lawmakers within local, state and federal governments. They're giving too many criminals way too much slack and it's a downright slap in the face to the victims.


    : The death penalty needs to be strengthen and enforced often.

    Considering the fact that DNA evidence has shown that MANY people have been executed wrongly, I respectfully disagree. Until there is a way to prove beyond ANY resonable doubt using new scientific techniques, I think restraint should be shown in that regard.

    : The appeals system needs to be scrapped and replaced with a newer but shorter system, say 3-6 months tops.

    For what reason, Yizu? To satisfy the rage of the family of the victims? Habeus Corpus is a fundamental part of our US Constitution and those who seek to eliminate it will reap the whirlwind of Kangaroo Courts in this land. If you don't understand Habeus Corpus, then bone up on it. Thomas Jefferson said he'd rather see a thousand guilty people go free than one innocent person be convicted. How much more significant is executing someone in your time frame of 3-6 months than convicting and imprisoning some who, say, were wrongly accused of robbing a convenience store?

    Execution is PERMANENT. Many death-penalty cases have been overturned when the evidence to exonerate the accused surfaced decades later. I say use restraint (not your bullshit 3-6 months timeline) when it comes to executions. Execution is PERMANENT. There are no appeals nor is there any way to get justice if the conviction was wrong or tainted once a person is snuffed.

    : We need to put to death molesters as well as murderers, rapists, kidnappers, attempted murderers since they show no respect for life anyway and other horrible crimes.

    Spoken like a true clueless and non-critical thinking person: offer simple solution for a complicated problem. Non-critical thinking people are like that.

    I can give you a hundred examples that don't fit in your neat little box. You think that KILLING folks who do what you don't like (despite not knowing what drove them to do what they did in the first place) is the solution, don't you?

    By the way, and for the record, I'm FOR the death penalty. I just want to make sure it is not exercised trivially as you would like it to be.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Something I've never understood about JWs and pedophiles is what makes the abuser so special to deserve such protection? I could understand if these were rich men, or were famous or held power in some way. But for the most part these are a bunch of dirty, sleazy and ordinary men. So why do JWs consistently and apparently fervently support them? I don't think it's about fear of bring "dishonor on Jehovah's name" or any of that crap. It just appears to me that their support of abusers is consistent and apparently internationally. Why? What is so special about these men?

  • Scully

    Big Tex writes:

    Something I've never understood about JWs and pedophiles is what makes the abuser so special to deserve such protection? I could understand if these were rich men, or were famous or held power in some way. But for the most part these are a bunch of dirty, sleazy and ordinary men. So why do JWs consistently and apparently fervently support them? I don't think it's about fear of bring "dishonor on Jehovah's name" or any of that crap. It just appears to me that their support of abusers is consistent and apparently internationally. Why? What is so special about these men?

    Well, first of all they are MEN. What's the current statistic for JW men:JW women?? I think Newsweek printed something in the order of 68% of all JWs are female. Meaning 32% are men. We're talking about twice as many females as males in the org if that's the case.

    Men, simply because they are in possession of a penis, are the ones who are given PRIVILEGES TM and RESPONSIBILITIES TM in the congregation. Remove the bad apples, and you have even fewer males around to do things other than cleaning the KH or going door to door. It's usually the ones that you least expect that are the worst offenders. They are at all the KH builds, get invited by the WTS to help out on special projects, volunteer for extra talks on the School, are on committees and do anything the WTS asks of them. Where are they going to find replacements for these "hard working", "dedicated" brothers?? Who else is going to do all that stuff for FREE?? Do you think they'd ever in a bazillion years offer those same privileges to a pioneer sister over a brother who has a "problem" with liking children "a little too much"??

    Love, Scully

  • TR
    Men, simply because they are in possession of a penis

    Hmmmm....schlong elimination surgery?


  • Yizuman
    Considering the fact that DNA evidence has shown that MANY people have been executed wrongly, I respectfully disagree. Until there is a way to prove beyond ANY resonable doubt using new scientific techniques, I think restraint should be shown in that regard.

    There's always risks in any kind of Justice system, always has been and always will be. There's always a posibility that we may end up executing an innocent person. But the execution of innocent people is rare and doen't happen everyday, if it were, then I would agree the DP system needs to be put on hold until it's been throughly reviewed in order to fix the system.

    Thomas Jefferson said he'd rather see a thousand guilty people go free than one innocent person be convicted.

    Thomas Jefferson is. by the way, a liberal. This line is silly and downright a dangerous thought. This is like saying, "I'd rather see a thousand child molesters go free than one innocent person be convicted."

    Recently the Federal Government ordered criminals be let out in order to relieve the prison population in prisons across the nation. And also to relieve the budget problems on prisons because it's costly to keep prisoners fed and housed. Problem is there is too many hardcore criminals getting out of prison and as a result of this, one man was let out of prison for murder only to kill again one week later. Same goes for molestors who are molesting again in another city or state in a very short amount of time after having had been released.

    Execution is PERMANENT. Many death-penalty cases have been overturned when the evidence to exonerate the accused surfaced decades later. I say use restraint (not your bullshit 3-6 months timeline) when it comes to executions. Execution is PERMANENT. There are no appeals nor is there any way to get justice if the conviction was wrong or tainted once a person is snuffed.

    Like I said before, the executions of innocent people is RARE. The thing is that when a criminal spend years appealing his sentence in order to keep himself/herself alive for a good number of years and while they are at it, the wounds of the victims is never healed because they have been DENIED the right to have a closure in their lives. This is a mockery to the victims and it shouldn't be so.

    Even if they did put it behind them say after 5 years or so and they have their wounds re-opened again time and time again each time they have to go back to the court room to take the stand to testify against the criminals. This is too much on the psychological well being of the victims. This isn't right. Can you imagine how this feels to have your wounds re-opened for numberous times in say like 20-30 year span?

    What about those who die before they have the chance to see justice done? What if there isn't any witness and victims left by the next time the criminal has his appeals being heard again in the court room? This isn't justice, this is tragedy.

    Spoken like a true clueless and non-critical thinking person: offer simple solution for a complicated problem. Non-critical thinking people are like that.

    Non-critical? What you think my rant was about? Of course it was critical, I'm critical about the crimes that criminals commit. I'm critical of the justice system because it is seriously flawed and a mockery to the victims all around the globe.

    A rapist could get 60 years in prison whereas a murderer gets 20 years. This is a seriously farked up system, Farkel.

    I can give you a hundred examples that don't fit in your neat little box. You think that KILLING folks who do what you don't like (despite not knowing what drove them to do what they did in the first place) is the solution, don't you?

    I don't care what their background is and what drove them to be the monster that they are today. What I care about is that they are to be held accountable for their crimes. Blaming their past and people for making them who they are today is a cop out. It's a lame excuse. They're are trying to weasel their way out of being punished for their crimes.

    Even criminals like Ted Bundy who grew up from a very fine family and raised him the best they could STILL turns out to be a monster at the end and I am glad he got fried for what he had done to his victims. To me, that's justice well served.

    By the way, and for the record, I'm FOR the death penalty.

    Your quote contridicts the quote on top of it. Which are you really for?


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