Everyone in the truth, knows it is the "love of money", not money itself that is wrong. I am well aware that money in itself does not bring happiness.
What I detect though amongst the Witnesses is almost an antipathy to money and wealth. One sister I was speaking to the other day complained about all the spending that goes on at Xmas. I tried to explain to her that unless people bought goods, the economy collapses and people get thrown out of work and a viscous cycle of economic down turn starts. She incidentally is on benefit, and is therefore dependent on the government and the economic prosperity that it needs to generate.
Also, as witnesses, we subjected to the "Happy though hungry" philosophy, where brothers and sisters who are poor are held up as an example to the more materialistic amongst us. I have seen at first hand the poverty of under-developed countries and can assure anyone that being on the streets without money, medical aid or education is no recipe for happiness.
I have always felt this is a hard dilemma for all religious people. Personally, wealth is not motivator in my life but without going as far as selling all my belongings and giving to the poor, I not sure where we can draw the line.