I just read the rest and I do think the others where harsh, sometimes though how we write things come across wrong. I can see why you would go into prostitution, to help put food on the table to feed your babies. When you say you were on income support, does that mean you are from Britain???? I too spent 5 years living in a cold council house on income support, the toughest time of my life. I lived in a city called Hull, were there is a high unemployment. I took out a 10 thausand pound loan out and moved to Devon were their is low unemployment. I too had no job experience having never worked before, I had no Qualifications either. I got a part-time job in a department store, then a job in a call center then a stroke of luck I now work for a bank in research, you see will I worked I did day classes at a local college to give me computer skills. I have a six year old and whist i was woking at the department store, I applyed for working families tax credit and the pay for most of the childcare. That is always an option for you if you want to get out of prostitution. I don't think you will make as much money, infact you will suffer for a while but I fear if you continue your depression will get worse and you might do something silly and those delightful babies of yours will be orphaned.
Reply and let me know what you think of my thoughts