Although my father did'nt leave us completely ...there were weeks at a time when he would take off leaving us with no money or food..so I totally understand about not depending on men...I also started working as a young teenager. It sucked at the time..but it sure has made us stronger..right
I used to make the mistake of supporting men and being too generous with my money...Now I have a great man that loves to spend money on me...Life is good! Heaven ..I've always picked up on the fact that you are a strong woman...from reading your post...and nice to boot!!!
Right on sista!! Actually ...we are SOLE sisters..get it...
Great minds think alike...I love a good Mystery book any day of the week!!
Ahhhh...how delicious to have that Steinbeck book...with all the errors..Have you ever been to Monterey California..where he drew most of his inspiration .??? I love that place.. I get a nostalgic feeling when I'm there . I must start reading his books again..it's been a long time.
Maybe we could agree an a book sometime and read it at the same time..and discuss it??
Cheers to my.. new friends...Heaven and Sheila!!
Gotta go...have to go play in the sun...check back later.
edited to add...CC...Your alright in my book!! Hope we can be friends as well.
Edited by - rubytuesday on 5 January 2003 13:49:3