Just a reminder to the Minnesota flock. Just because I am not there to oversee the festivities does not mean I don't remember what happened the last time I visited Greater North. I would hate to think that there are divisions among the flock that would not allow for partaking of spiritual food. In order to assure that spiritual food has been consumed, I will be asking the DO of The Greater North Not Interested to make a full report. I want the names of alchohol consumed, quantities, booby pics, and eyegirl passed out on the lawn...any lawn will do really, just ask her..*LOL* , oh I will also need to see COMPLETED time cards for all of you at the end of said festivities. I would hate to have to conviene a Judicial Committee that involved multiple states and me visiting each one of said states. Have a great time and may Jehovahs blessing descend upon you like the frosty head of beer falling down the side of your glass. Love and salivations..I mean salutations from the Texas Branch.
District Overbeer of the "Wishing I Was There" class