So last night I got to have some more fun at the meeting.
The Serve Us indoctrination session was thirty minutes of interrogation and answers about the "These Words Must Be On Your Heart" video.
Question three was, "What Scriptural formula leads to the best chance of success in raising children?" Then before any answers the conductor had Deut. 6:6,7 read. OFS got his hand up in the air, and got called on.
The answer OFS gave was, "We see from this scripture the BEHAVIOR that parents must follow in providing the INFORMATION their children need in order to display the correct THOUGHT process that Jehovah's Witness children should show. This will result in a good EMOTION and happiness for their children. A good acronym to remember for this scripture could be BITE, and the parents in the video showed a good example of how to do that."
Ah, the fun of the meetings. . . I wonder how long they will keep on calling on me?