Sweetest lady on Earth, my roommate at the Pennsylvania Convention in 1994. Listening to her stories in her wonderful British accent is a wonderful thing to do...
Is Mouthy the coolest 'gran' in the world?
by Simon 53 Replies latest jw friends
Just wanted to add my .02 here to tell Mouthy that her sense of humor, compassion and genuine love she shows to everyone means alot to me! She is the greatest - and hopefully one day I will be able to be just like her!
Love Ya Mouthy!
Well!well! who would have thought it. Bethel please read all these lovely e-mails -Remember telling me -I would have no one at all who would love me-If I did not let you convince me Jesus came in 1914-(invisably)??? I cannot believe that so many people have "taken me on as their friend.Granny, Mum, "
Brummie ----Funny
Tres Happy--yeah we had a lot of laughs eh? thanks for your card.
Tom......No darling I am not to young to be your Granny- Your still a young whippersnapper to me.
Gizmo----Just took out the bottom....lol
Simon may be you better end the thread!!!! cant get my head out the window -it is too big now.(hugs) to you all Thank you so much for all those encouraging replies - as I sit & wipe me eyes...It was nice.
Good morning Grace,
It looks like just about everything has been said already. At this point I usually give you some sort of wise crack, so, here it is.....no, I guess not,.....this time.
I agree with what everyone has already said.
I was remembering back, to the first time I met you, at that retreat in Atlanta GA. As my two sons-in-law and I entered the front door of the retreat and slowly went into the lobby area, a little hesitant because we were about to meet some apostates, (we were just fresh out of the WT) you came sweeping through the lobby announcing (loudly) "Isn't it great to be free? now we can love everybody! even homosexuals!"
We looked at each other and someone commented, "who is this crazy lady?"
That was our introduction to the wonderful world of apostasy, it has only gotten more and more wonderful, and YOU played a BIG part in that process. It was YOU that insisted that we go to Pennsylvania (isn't there something about Pennsylvania, somewhere in the back of my mind, from long ago?) sorry, my mind drifts, and it was YOU that welcomed us so lovingly when we arrived at the convention. You are and have always been very special to Marv, Jan, and I, and now you are also very special to Allen.
We all love you very much, you certainly deserve all of these praises. Have a beautiful day.
Oh Roy!!Did I really say that!!!! Shame on me!!! But I had always hated homosexuals as a JW-even though I had studied with one who was really nice. Then when I found out we were not supposed to JUDGE!!!! I was so happy to know I was wrong in judging anyone....Now you know why I call myself Mouthy.....One of my group- when he first met me- went home & his wife asked what was I like he replied " she is high on something"!!!!it was Jesus lol( ducking ) Another said" I think she is on "happy Pills" Then at PA the guy that called me Mrs Doubtfire!!!! ( Oh the gift that God had give us -to see ourselves as others see us) Well the crazy lady! ???God said I was a cracked pot ( broken vessel in scripture)So I guess he KNOWS me THANK GOD -- anyway it is not over till the fat lady sings( I am taking singing lessons ) Love you to Roy!!!!!! LOTS!!!!!
I agree Simon,
She is the greatest! I love her dearly.
Mouthy is AWESOME!
She is the coolest and most technically savvy grandmother I have ever encountered.
((((((((((Mouthy))))))))) A VERY BIG HUG.
Hey, Grace--you're too young to be my granny! But I luv ya anyway!
You have all made my day .. Have to get a bigger hat !!!!! ( sweeled head.
Is that the hat I brought ya a coupla years ago?
~Ros -
Ros This thread still going WHEW!!!! No that hat is in my granddaughters hands,Just came in from holidays.... Had a great time at Wasaga beach... No computers,no telephone,no grandkids(me the taxi driver) just sun,water,& grub!!!! Great...
Mouthy, you rock!