I just got back from today's Circuit Assembly. I haven't been to one in the last 1 and a half yrs. Obviously, nothing has changed. DO MORE, DO MORE, DO MORE------That's the basic theme. But the experiences were so refreshing and stimulating! Here's one that was interesting. A sister was being interviewed about how she continues to remain steadfast in spite of discouragement. You see, she started a study with a person that didn't know all that much English and was new to the country and therefore had no friends. She studied with her and the truth was developing in her heart, when suddenly, her husband who was an officer for the Shah of Iran, was called back to his homeland and the result was that she lost all contact with her Bible student. This awful turn of affairs was gnawing at our sister since the 1970's. She has regularly prayed To Jehovah for comfort all these years and showed her reliance on Him for her concerns.......I say, GET OVER IT!!!.......Another interview was with a sister who was lamenting how her children, who were taught the mental-regulating of Jehovah, actually left the truth. She couldn't understand it at all. Still, this sister has Jehovah God to care for her. At least, she can always rely on HIM......Then the sister that was right next to her related how miserable she was because her husband left the truth and it forced her to take her 2 believing children into a very small apartment......all because of taking a firm stand for Jehovah God.......The District Overseer related an experience of how a brother was holding meetings in his tin roofed house. The neighbors didn't like their area being a place JW's met. So they would take stones and rocks and throw them on top of the tin roof so that the brothers could get very annoyed. A couple of the brothers wanted to retaliate in some way but the brother that owned the home told them to wait on Jehovah to take care of things.Then this ringleader in the neighborhood decided to dig a ditch all around the brother's house so that the foundation could get weakened and the house would cave in. This didn't work either. But one day, this neighbor got sick and quickly got into his car to rush to the hospital. He drove so quickly, he found himself in the ditch. A number of people, including the brother came to his aid and got him out. He went to the hospital but he kept getting sicker. Eventually, you'll never guess what happened. He died. Then the D.O. concluded with the thought that we should always rely upon Jehovah because He will take care of things in his due time.............Any comments?
Pathetic Circuit Assembly Experiences
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
i appeared on a circuit assembly experiences program 15 yrs ago and i related that when i was asked by my school m8s what went on at the kh , i said that we all sing and whoever sings the best gets a pound , and one of the lads said i dont mind that i may join , an effective way to get converts huh
But one day, this neighbor got sick and quickly got into his car to rush to the hospital. He drove so quickly, he found himself in the ditch. A number of people, including the brother came to his aid and got him out. He went to the hospital but he kept getting sicker. Eventually, you'll never guess what happened. He died. Then the D.O. concluded with the thought that we should always rely upon Jehovah because He will take care of things in his due time.............Any comments?
So Jehovah killed this guy cause he interrupted the stupid study group and dug a ditch around the house?? The God of love and mercy?
And the assembly cheered at Jehovah revenge on their tormentor? Does that mean my JW neighbours can hardly wait until I kick the bucket? At the christian meetings I am used to attending, that tormentor would have become a bible study leader HIMSELF.
Leaving things for Jehovah to take care of "later" is little more than giving weak, incompetent people an excuse for their weaknesses and incompetence
Sounds like all the other vomit-inducing utter bollocks experiences told at every assembly\convention I ever attended. :)
Here's another experience that the D O related. A group was doing street witnessing. One sister, known for her immodest style, went on one particular corner. All of a sudden, a prostitute comes out and tells the sister to get off her corner and go to another one. She called her a "hoochie-mama". The point? Don't let the world confuse us with them.
Edited by - minimus on 5 January 2003 17:46:39
Minimus...I can't believe you still go and listen to that garbage. How do you do it...and better yet, why? I couldn't ever imagine going back and having to sit through a meeting. You must have a helluva reason to keep going.
Well, I think sharing that uplifting and entertaining experiences on JWD is a sufficient reason. ;-)
Minimus, I AM the one currently getting officially bored for stuff like that.
You know, I am grateful to God 'cause Penguins were saved in the (b)Ark...and we never complained..for the cr@p.
God Save the PenQueen.