JustVisting: The Spanish thread is titled: "How many ice creams did Sophia not buy?"
Wow!!! That really makes the point! So the children are supposed to forgo ice cream cones for a belief system they don't really know or understand - one that is basically forced on them, yet the GB can wear fancy watches and have other perks.
I can't help but think of the years when I was broke as a pioneer. I glued strips of rubber on the bottoms of my service shoes when the soles wore out because I couldn't afford new ones. I couldn't afford to go to the doctor or dentist. I cut my own hair. At times, I was without transportation.
I remember an account from a Watchtower (maybe late 80's?). It referred to a JW who could afford a Cadillac, but who drove a Volkswagen because he didn't want to give the wrong impression to others. So what happened to that mindset?