Viviane wHy iS THere ranDOM CAPTiaLIZAtioN IN yoUR opENINg Post?
*** w08 4/15 p. 14 par. 11 Young People, Remember Your Grand Creator Now ***
young ones who study the Bible and strive to apply its principles in their lives get the best education available
*** w02 3/1 p. 25 Serving With a Spirit of Self-Sacrifice ***
the full-time ministry is the greatest safeguard and provides the best education.
*** w96 12/1 p. 17 par. 10 Youths Who Remember Their Creator ***
You will, of course, want to pursue what even many secular authorities regard as the best education—the one realized from a careful study of God’s Word
*** g93 4/8 p. 10 Home Schooling—Is It for You? ***
How effective has home schooling proved to be? Some studies have shown that home schoolers generally earn scores at or above the national average on standardized achievement tests.