One of the things that I THINK I was supposed to believe all my years in the organization was that the Earth is the only inhabited planet. Am I right in this or am I having a flashback??? Is there other life in the universe? I remember the answer being something like "there are spirit creatures throughout the universe doing various things" so there ARE aliens! It seems like I was supposed to think that in the vast universe with billions of stars & millions (billions?) of galaxies that only the Earth has any living creatures. I can remember at first thinking that didn't seem too feasable, but it got buried in my subconscious (with all the other unanswered questions), kept there be being so busy with meetings, studying, field service, elder duties, etc. etc. But now that I'm questioning everything, does that seem reasonable to anyone? When I look up & see the starry sky & realize how incredibly small the Earth is & yet I KNOW (or at least I think I know), we are here, how could we be the only inhabitants of all of this? Is that the height of arrogance or is it just me???
WE ARE ALONE.....or are we?
by JNS2 13 Replies latest jw friends
Infinity will alway's be imponderable. But your thoughts are not exclusive. I suppose we all wonder the same.
The response I remember about the question of life in other parts of the universe, was that the bible deals with mankind's existence on earth and is silent about anything else. So any knowledge we could get about it would have to be after the thousand year reign. At that time, it's quite possible that God would have us to spread out from Earth into the universe to fill and subdue it like he once had us spread out from Eden into the world.
Made sense to me at the time. I also figured, if there's life on other planets, then they probably got put to the same test as Adam and Eve did. Maybe they passed, and therefore they know about the problem on this planet and are staying away from it until the issue is settled. That also made sense to me.
Now, it's like the question of what happens when you die. I'll never know for sure while I'm alive.
I never ascribed to the society point of view since I was never a dub but still need solid evidence to suggest their is life on other planets in other solar systems .The best they can do is look thru the hoble telescope and speculate . I don't believe the planet earth has been visited by star faring visitors from another planet because again there is no solid evidence .I love science and science fiction but we need to sepperate the facts from fiction.I think we have learned that there is no proof that alien life exists in our own solar system and that even with the hoble telescope we have seen no proof of any extraterrestrial life for light years outside our solar system .Arrogance does not play a part in examining the facts as far as I'm concerned .
I got to thinking about that issue when I watched a purely demonic movie called "Out on a Limb". It is about 6 hours long. I watched it TWICE it was so demonic!!!! Very interesting and thought provoking, I thought. Definitely food for thought.
EDITED to add: If anyone else has seen the show. . . .tell me what you thought of it???
Edited by - ESTEE on 6 January 2003 1:14:40
There is a single very simple reason why the Bible doesn't deal with extraterrestrial life. It doesn't for the very simple reason that the writers of the Bible were not familiar with concepts like "outer space", "planets", and of course, "solar systems".
Extending this further, it is evident that they would not have pondered the concept of extraterrestrial life, either. You can't understand extraterrestrial life if you haven't got an "extraterra".
[SYN], Occam's Razor Class.
If there is nothing elsewhere in the universe, that's a lot of empty space.
Kenneson: You took the words right out of my mouth!
I know if I was a being from another planet somewhere, and I came to this planet to have a look around, after seeing how barbaric and uncivilized we really are, I would turn my little spaceship around and head home as fast as I could.
Mrs. Shakita
A lot of empty space, WOW that is such an understatement. It's easy to forget just how big the universe is. To think we, the inhabitants of Earth, are the only ones in it seems hard to swallow. Mrs. Shakita, now THAT is funny, true but funny. A SIX HOUR movie?????
You make a very salient observation. The bible a book containing some of the most superstitious, other worldly, spiritistic, assertions all wraped up in a package of so-called inspired 'words of God'.
Just how different is the concept of a 'cherub with a flaming sword' guarding the 'entrance' to the garden of eden, any different than the 1,000's of so-called heathen beliefs centering around god's, goddess, totems, or other imaginary creatures?
Why do so many just turn off thier reasoning ability when confronted with amazing claims made in the bible? Yet when confronted with heathen or so called pagan belief's, they will laugh or deride such gullibility of those who were devout 'believer's'?
To answer my own question, it imo because they were and are taught that the 'Bible' is God's word. They cannot prove it, any more than those pagan's who worshiped Baal or any other invented spirit or devine entity.