what if?

by heathen 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    What if you were an alien and came to planet earth on a scientific mission to explore other planets .You have come a long way, as we know the closest star to earth is aproximately 1 light year away. Your planet has known nothing but peace and science has been the main form of religion .What would you think when you arrived here and how would you deal with the discovery of the life forms on this planet? Would you abandon all hope of establishing some sort of long term freindship with the so called intelligent life forms that exist here or would you try to communicate some sort of message you think might help the situation here? I think I go back where I came from and forget I ever left home . What If?

  • Windchaser

    I would probably ask for an Alka Seltzer, barf and phone home. The earth needs more help than I, a lowly alien, could give it.

  • StinkyPantz

    Hopefully I would be an open-minded alien and would thoroughly examine Earth before making any judgements. Contact in my mind would be necessary, but only after an incredible amount of knowledge was gained and probably not for a couple of centuries more (at least). Humans have spent lifetimes trying to figure out how other species think and act and why; humans would also warrant such time.

  • bikerchic

    Reminds me of that movie K-Pax. I think I would stay awhile, check things out but knowing me I would get homesick and want to go back home.

  • Prisca

    I would exterminate all life on this planet and let God start again.

  • Cassandra Cain
    Cassandra Cain

    I love the movie K-pax ...I dunno tough decision I would probaly go home cuz I get attached and I don't like to leave my home turff except for visits ^__^ so I would to home! phone home... C.C. Phone HOme!!


  • pr_capone

    Depends on what the women on my home planet look like.

  • Satanus

    I would return home and invent something to, at a minimum, wipe out all humans. Nature is *ucked u* too, but at least it's not pretending to be something it isn't.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well SS, as you would know, the place is already full of alien "walkins" , not to mention our overlords the Reptilians (but lets not go there).

    Then there is the new generation of "children of the Indigo ray" Easily identifiable by their deeply penetrating eyes and comprehension beyond their years.


  • Satanus


    The deal that was made, to have humans here, has caused untold suffering, up to the present. Perhaps in the long run, it will be worth it.

    It shows that a perfect righteous god had zip to do with it. The echelons you mentioned make more sense, as possible players, seeing the cockup that has resulted.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 6 January 2003 3:49:21

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