You story deserves its own thread. Im sorry to hear what happened to you.
by metatron 21 Replies latest jw friends
You story deserves its own thread. Im sorry to hear what happened to you.
Oh my god, you poor soul.......my heart breaks for what you went through.
I have no idea if you're looking to get the son of bitch back, but if you know who it was, you might be able to find him through the internet's whitepages http://people.yahoo.com/
Even if you don't know what city he lives in, you can try a general search. If you find him, I'd either report the rape, even though it's several years later (is there a statutory limit on child molestation?) and make sure he was charged, or I'd simply go put a bullet through the bastards head.
I am soooo sorry to read your account. You are very brave to be able to confront this and post it up in this way. I dont know what else to say.....
Oaths in court.
Actually this is not really a new thought :-
"*** w97 11/15 22 Faith Makes Us Patient and Prayerful ***
17 If we are not patient, we may misuse the tongue when under stress. For example, we may rashly make oaths. "Stop swearing," says James, warning against frivolous oath taking. Constantly affirming statements with oaths also seems hypocritical. Hence, we should simply speak the truth, letting our yes mean yes, and our no, no. (Matthew 5:33-37) Of course, James is not saying that it is wrong to take an oath to tell the truth in court."
The matter has been up to the individual for several years.
My honey was called up for jury duty last year. I suggested he check with his elders what he was to do. They told him to look it up himself, so he did. After reading an article we found on the CD a couple of times, we concluded that it is a "conscience matter". Also, the WTS will not bail you out if you are found in contempt of court. That, at least, was spelled out.
I was indignant that a society, which purports to provide guidance in all matters in dealing with the world, would leave individuals in the dark like this.
(((herself))), I am glad you lived, too.
Yes, you were raped but a survivor you did what you had to do, you were just a little girl and I think a grownup wouldn't have been so brave. Yes, you should have told but you were scared,scared of what he would do or might do. Don't give those bastards a second thought, I doubt if any of the governing body or elders were in the same situation there would be any screaming. They would want to live just as you did!!!!! You were a brave,brave little girl and an even braver woman to tell the story. Now, you give that little girl a hug tell her HOW brave she was and that she DID her best and let her be at peace OK!!!
All of this proving, of course, that the WTBTS is no more guided by God than I am the Virgin Mary. God does not change because of petititions, nor because his ways are "exposed" by apostates. Nor for any other reason.
The WTBTS is a cult pure and simple and for my money they can all go straight to hell.
Please don't miss the point - yes, they HAVE commented on oaths before - BUT they chose
to conclude the article with an appeal TO SPEAK THE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES. This one bit
of emphasis is a quiet, discrete denial of 'Theocratic Warfare Strategy' and gives them
room for their own DEFENSE by claiming that 'we told publishers to tell the truth' to
legal authorities.
Articles like these, appearing while the Society fends off lawsuits, are not accidents.
They are planning a defense.
I think that the 'Sunday' program embarrased them somewhat, when the reporter spoke about theocratic war strategy from "insight to the scriptures" - spoken about with words like, "...and even more sinister is the practice of...".
This view about jwism being on national television must have been somewhat embarrasing, as the jw head in oz denied any knowledge of such a thing as t.w.s.
So the holier than you people quickly became nothing but a bunch of nasty liars - as was appropriate - blimey, what sort of group is it that is severely affected by people knowing the truth about them - one that's seething with foulness.
And for you jw lurkers (if indeed you do exist) - that the wt doesn't tell the truth to "those who don't deserve it", biblically explains the reason for the existence of your religion - being judged as you judge, you don't get to hear the truth also.
Edited by - a paduan on 6 January 2003 17:6:42
(((((((((((((((((((((((((( herself )))))))))))))))))))))))))
Gawd that must have been a horrible burden to carry around with you for such a long time. You deserve a medal for the special kind of inner strength you found.
I'm so glad you're here and that you've got a life that you enjoy and people in your life who love you as much as you love them.
Love, Scully
metatron writes:
Articles like these, appearing while the Society fends off lawsuits, are not accidents.
They are planning a defense.
And make NO mistake about it, the defense they are planning involves hanging elders out to dry. They are trying to wash their hands of any corporate policy on child molestation, and dump all responsibility and financial liability for child sexual abuse judical committee decisions on elders who didn't notify authorities, who DFd child rape victims and not the child molesters because of the "two eyewitness" rule. They don't give a hoot how many elders end up in jail, so long as their money is safe.
Love, Scully
Edited by - Scully on 6 January 2003 17:36:1