Colored Shirts?

by Marcos 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marcos

    What is the WT policy on shirts for the brothers? Are they supposed to be only white shirts?

    My son, no a sort of waning Mormon said that he thought it was funny that the witnesses here copy the Mormons (white shirts only). The Mexican bros are likely to be a little more conservative in many things than their first world counterparts.

    When I was a witness, colored (pastel) shirts were making inroads. Whats going on now?

  • FreedomIsElusive

    any color you like

  • dmouse

    Nothing in print as far as I know. It seems to have been passed on through the COs by word of mouth.

    In my congregation years ago brothers who wore coloured shirts were viewed as rebelious. However, this is changing and now even elders wear them. It's only a few extremists that still only ever wear white shirts.

    I guess there are still pockets of resistance but most JWs see this particular unwritten 'guidance' as the nonsense it is.

    Shame they don't twig that the rest is nonsense too!

  • JH

    When I joined many years ago, It was all white shirts. Then the younger brothers had colored shirts. The old brothers still had white shirts. I guess it goes with the age. Even the ties changed alot since 15 years. Are they colorful now!!!

    Edited by - JH on 6 January 2003 14:36:1

  • heathen

    Last I heard when I visited a hall was they expected all men to wear their jacket throughout the entire meeting and always have a tie on . I guess some brothers had a BO problem lol as far as shirts I don't recall any mention of a color.

  • BluesBrother

    Perhaps it is time to lay this urban myth to rest. It was the Watchtower itself that gave this ruling ,by a certain congregation, as bad example and not to be followed :-


    w89 11/1 30 Do You See Only the Outward Appearance? ***

    We will "not go beyond the things that are written." (1 Corinthians 4:6) This is especially important for Christian elders to take to heart.1 Peter 5:2, 3.

    We can illustrate this in the matter of dress. The Bible requirementGods requirementis that a Christians clothing must be neat and clean, well-arranged and not betraying a lack of "modesty and soundness of mind." (1 Timothy 2:9; 3:2) Obviously, then, the elders in one congregation went "beyond the things that are written" a few years ago by requiring every public speaker in their congregation to wear a white shirt, even though pastel colors were generally acceptable in that country. Guest speakers who showed up with a colored shirt were asked to change into one of several white shirts kept in the Kingdom Hall for just such emergencies. How careful we have to be in order not to impose our personal taste on others! And how appropriate Pauls counsel: "Let your reasonableness become known to all men"!Philippians 4

    In practice speakers follow local custom. Around here coloured shirts are definately "In"
  • Cassandra Cain
    Cassandra Cain

    any color u like I guess lots of brothes like wearing red shirts with black ties..or blueshirts... or even these suites that are like purple, orange, & mint green... lol I never new it could matter



    My son was counselled for wearing colored shirts. The elder told him he was "supposed to" wear only white ones!

    Geeeez! <rolling eyes>


  • JH


    Either the elder was jealous, or he was an old bastard

  • mouthy

    When I first "joined" it was white shirts only----Then halsf way through my 20+ years they said any color was permissable-within reason- pink was a no-no ...The same as beards. no beards were allowed but in 1986 I went to Montreal & a brother had a beard I question him on it.( I did like to make sure we were following JAHs rules lol) he said they now could have a beard as long as it was neat....His was very neat

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