Farkel gets a makeover!

by Yizuman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Man, learning how to make tubes for Paint Shop Pro is alot of fun. At first it was difficult to learn until I ran into a website that showed me step by step how to do it. I had to find an image that I wanted to make a tube out of, then edited the image, then saved it as a .psp format. Then I imported the image as a .tub format. I was done!

    So I took Farkel's aviator, copied and pasted it on a blank 600X600 window, then "tubed" an image over his aviator. Then cropped it down and the resulting work was...

    Yizuman - from the "running most fastly" class

  • Scully

    Farkie, vous look soooo cute! Even cuter than moi!

    Love, Scully

  • Shakita

    Awwwwwwwwww........... Purple is definitely Farkel's color!

  • ugg

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...good one!

  • Yizuman
    Awwwwwwwwww........... Purple is definitely Farkel's color!

    Yep, he looks great in purple!


  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond


    Is this a replica of your secret fantasy?

  • ashitaka


    I have just stared the Devil in the face.

  • Farkel

    I hate purple. Purple is demonized. And I wear mini-skirts, not that cowgirl-skirt shit. I hate hats. I have all my hair, so I don't need hats. The accessories you have for me suck, too. You forgot to put false eyelashes on me and a Tammy Faye Bakker make over, too.

    And you forgot to put a big Idaho baker potato in my shorts on my backside. I like that. It's good for shock value when I strut around, showing off.

    Other than that, I liked it!


  • WildHorses

    Farkel, I swear, if I knew how. I would fix you up just like you described. LOL

  • notperfectyet

    Farkel..aka Guido,

    you're suppose to put the potato in the front...<sigh>

    edited cuz I said your instead of you're..and I did finish 8th grade...

    Edited by - notperfectyet on 6 January 2003 22:49:9

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