This is a very sad and disturbing case in Mexico.
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by ILoveTTATT2 12 Replies latest jw friends
This is a very sad and disturbing case in Mexico.
Used Google Translate. Ask me if the translation is not clear:
Treatment of mental illness is an underrated failure of this religion, in my opinion.
There was a kid who was clearly mentally ill in our congregation. An elder told me in confidence that the elders had been dispatched to this family's house because the kid was hearing voices and the voices were telling him to kill his mother.
Obviously, the elder said, the family was suffering from demonic influence so they prayed with them and helped them go through their belongings to throw away any possessions that could in some way be attached to spiritism, you know, books about witches and the like. As far as I know, the family was never encouraged to seek medical attention.
Thankfully, the kid didn't act out on his impulses (at least not that I'm aware of), but the fact that a complex medical problem like that was addressed by a welder and a ditch-digger is phenomenally irresponsible.
Ok the translation is very bad. Here is my human translation:
In less than two weeks she murdered two siblings, one a three year old boy and the other a 9 month old girl. The parents said that in repeated occasions the girl told them that she "spoke with the devil", who came out from between shadows.
MADERO, Tamaulipas.- Supposed orders emitted by "Satan" were the determining factor for a minor, just 11 years old. She killed in less than two weeks two siblings, one a three year old boy and the other a 9 month old girl, this happened in a populous sector of Ciudad Madero.
According to information supplied by the Specialized Agency of the Public Ministry for the Protection of the Family, everything came to light after August 10th this year, when Civil Hospital personnel notified authorities that a minor, named Fernanda Chávez, 11 years old, was admitted to the hospital because she tried to commit suicide by taking pills.
Immediately, personnel of the prosecutor went to the hospital, where they took the declaration of the child, who told the investigators that "diabolical voices" hard ordered her to kill herself to join her siblings whom she had killed. This sparked an investigation on the previous deaths.
While investigating, it was found that on July 19th, also in that same hospital, a lifeless child, Camila Chávez, 9 months old, came in. On that date, the Agent of the Investigating Public Ministry went to give testimony of the facts, and determined that the girl died from a congenital defect.
Later on July 27th this year, Fabian Chávez, 3 years old, went into the Civil Hospital unconscious, where hours later he passed away.
The situation for the marriage made by Mrs. Fabiola Chávez and José Luis Cruz worsened, because on the 29th of July Merely Cruz, 9 years old, went into the hospital because of a nervous breakdown, she was very scared, and she begged that her sister Fernanda was not allowed to touch her, because she said Fernanda was evil.
Among the declarations that Fernanda Cruz said, she said that she took the lives of both her siblings, because voices told her to, she said that to reach her objective, to the littlest one she covered her mouth and nose, while to the three year old she asfixiated him with a pillow.
While being questioned, the parents of the children affirmed that their 11 year old daughter in repeated occasions told them that she "spoke with the devil", who came out from between the shadows.
neverendingjourney - "As far as I know, they family was never encouraged to seek medical attention."
Can't have them finding out that the WT worldview and lifestyle might be making the problem worse, now, can we?
Can't have them finding out that the WT worldview and lifestyle might be making the problem worse, now, can we?
While not exactly on point, I always felt that keeping mental health problems in-house was motivated by the same logic found in 1 Corinthians Chapter 6:
Does any one of you who has a dispute with another dare to go to court before unrighteous men, and not before the holy ones? Or do you not know that the holy ones will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you not competent to try very trivial matters? Do you not know that we will judge angels? Then why not matters of this life? If, then, you do have matters of this life to be tried, is it the men looked down on in the congregation whom you assign as judges? I am speaking to move you to shame. Is there not one wise man among you who is able to judge between his brothers? Instead, brother goes to court against brother, and before unbelievers at that! Really, it is already a defeat for you when you have lawsuits with one another. Why not rather let yourselves be wronged? Why do you not rather let yourselves be defrauded? Instead, you wrong and defraud, and your brothers at that!
Hearing about Satan since birth, a brain that is at the brink of madness, and then discouragement from seeking help from worldly professionals was the perfect recipe for this tragedy.
Assuming that Fernanda was in a devout JW household, then good part of the blame goes to the Watchtower teachers.
So much for Jehovah's blessing bestowed on JW's
mephis - "Just really, really sad that the parents weren't able to pick up on the fact that their daughter needed to be getting professional help before she got to that point."
Again; many loyal JWs unconsciously fear the possibility that the WT worldview and lifestyle might be making the problem worse, and will avoid situations where they might be forced to acknowledge that.